23 mile skydive!

You can control your spin once you have air resistance - however if you're knocked out before then of course you cannot. However he will have an automatic activation device (AAD) that will trigger at a certain altitude if he doesn't deploy his parachute. Might not prevent him breaking a leg but it'll certainly save his life.

The biggest dangers are his suit becoming compromised and lack of oxygen supply. The rest of the jump is relatively straight forward - a little more equipment than one would normally wear though. He will start to slow down and gain more control of his body movement/flight.

I cannot imagine (despite having jumped hundreds of times) jumping on the "edge of space" like that. It's phenomenal.
I've been wanting to try and get in to sky diving for a while, might have to get some tips off you when I finally have the cash :p

I doubt hitting 750mph will feel like much with the lack of wind resistance, it will be the slowing down.....if he slowed down quick enough, theoretically, his body would be pushed into his helmet :eek:

I've jumped from a hot air balloon and that's so weird compared to a plane as there is no air resistance initially and it slowly builds up. However, jumping out of a plane you leave it at around 80mph or so, as such have a lot of air resistance already and it's noisy. From a balloon it's dead quiet, and you hear the rush of air increasing as your speed increases.
Ah just the person I was looking for, have you head of these guys http://www.halojumpers.com/en.php They do jumps from 30,000ft. One day I will do a jump with them!

The army do a lot of HALO jumps. :)

It's pretty damned awesome - and a fantastic way of getting troops to an area quickly, with minimal observation.

I've never done a HALO - max I've jumped from is nearly 24k feet, and deployment at 3.5k.

Lowest deployment was an illegal jump, and was about 800ft off the ground :o

Hate to say it but am I the only one thinking whats the big deal ?

People skydive everyday, he just did it from higher up ..... Even I could do that so fail to see why this is even news worthy.

As someone with several hundred jumps, I can assure you, there is nothing ordinary about this sort of jump.
Where do you jump at freefaller?

I don't anymore :( I haven't in many many years. :(

I trained at Langar when I was at uni (I went to Loughborough - so not far away). I was the chairman of the skydiving club there actually! :) That was over 10 years ago now. However I last jumped about 4-5 years ago.

I then have jumped all over the place, but mainly in the US (Perris Valey and Elsinore), Cyprus and France (Gap), as the weather is better, jumps are cheaper, and you can have more "fun" ;)

Nice to see you here mate :) I do miss it, but I just don't have the time anymore :(
Name rings a bell and we have some friends in common. :)

Milko, DM, Rich Wheatley were the main instructors when I was a student there. 1999-2002. I went to a few boogies in the summer after then, but then went to the states as part of the BCPA in 2003 and 2004. Then did my own thing after that.

Actually Dave Hickling did my Cat 8 jump!! :cool:
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