Unfortunately millions of people are worried about paying the bills and eating now, not a pension they may or may not live to see 40 years in the future.
the whole thing is a bloody mess and i dont think there is an easy answer
because like you say, if you can barely get by today then you are not going to worry about tomorrow.... however OTOH do we as a society really want to remove incentives from those who can theoretically put a little aside for the future - but at the expense of sacrificing some jam today by making it so that if you have anything set aside that will have to be spent before you get any state help in the form of a state pension?.
I get it, now i am incredibly fortunate, i have a nice car, low debt and a home.............. but it wasnt always the case, for 2 decades i was skint... but partly by my own choice. every penny i had went into savings and then later mortgage payments. for the longest of times i had a pager when my mates had mobile phones and a brick of one when i eventually got one.
i saw people queuing up outside the bookies and the pub, with better clothes than i had and more stuff and i must admit i was quite jealous .
Now dont get me wrong i am not asking for sympathy BUT now that is starting to pay some proper dividends, I do kind of think why the hell should i be shafted now some of those same people are in massive debt, nothing to their name and complaining that they cant afford their credit card payments.
People who never had enough money to save and genuinely struggle are another issue and i am not touching on them here.... i am on about those who chose to live for today and to hell with tomorrow.... Is that what we want everyone in our society to do? because it looks to me the way things are going i was a mug for saving up when i could have just spunked it all away, if i am gonna get stung for it in the future anyway.
even now all my clothes come from the supermarket , and whilst we get clarks shoes for our lad because he has weird feet, mine are cheap ones which - to the angst of my wife - i wear till they literally fall apart.
at some point there is going to be a massive shock, and i can imagine rioting and what not. It does take the p... however that we apparently cant sustain people retiring at 67........ where the French still get their state pension at ... is it 62? (and iirc there were riots when it was planned to go to 64)