29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country

23 Jan 2013
EU access restrictions will be lifted in December allowing this influx. Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, recently admitted that any influx will put pressure on housing services but claimed that he has no idea how many are likely to come. Worst hit will be East London boroughs where housing services are already strained. Mr Pickles’s comments followed claims last month from planning minister Nick Boles that migrant families accounted for nearly half of Britain's new housing needs.

Pickles may be frightened to predict how many Bulgarians and Romanians will move here because the previous administration grossly underestimated the numbers in 2004. It predicted fewer than 20,000 eastern Europeans would arrive but Office for National Statistics figures show more than 600,000 were working in Britain last year. Already, statistics have shown that Romania's population has fallen by more than 12 per cent since 2002 as hundreds of thousands leave the poverty-stricken nation for comparatively richer countries like ours.

From the start of next year 29 million Bulgarians and Romanians will gain the right to live and work unrestricted in our country under European “freedom of movement” rules. The NHS, housing and jobs market is already under pressure. We are faced with austerity cuts in essential services and high unemployment.


To be honest I think this is the last thing great Britain needs right now. I am all for a bit of multiculturalism but this is too many at the wrong time.
23 Jan 2013
Woah what a thread this is I for one will be voting UKIP:) most of these Bulgarians and Romanians wan't to get aboard the gravy train problem is this train is running out of gravy.
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