2K Budget Gaming Rig - Need Advice

23 Mar 2011
Hi Overclockers,

The budget is to include peripherals as well and for this kind of money needs to be something special look at as well as future proofed.

Would prefer the latest and greatest in CPU and GPU. Could stretch a max of couple of hundred if needs be.

Thanks in Advance
Thanks for the reply,

Something I wish to build myself although it’s been a 3 years so been out of the loop.
No current monitor so will need one recommended please, it doesn’t have to be a super duper model though.

Thanks for the replies guys and apologies for the late reply. I have managed to get hold of more funds for the project and having read your suggestions have decided on the following build. I would ask for your feedback for any obvious flaws or where I could replace items for better quality or value given the now £2.5K budget.

Thanks in advance!

My basket at Overclockers UK:

Total: £2,507.39 (includes shipping: £22.50)
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