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2nd 980 ti or a single 1080 ti?

6 Jan 2013
If gaming at 1440p 16:9 i would probably stick with one 980Ti for the foreseeable, until you come across that one game that needs a bit more, then think about it.

In the last 5 or so years I've also gone the Ti route and always gone SLI in the end. I was on one 980Ti at 1440p but then got the x34 monitor and with 3440 x 1440 at 100Hz - one 980Ti doesn't cut it so got another.
On my X99 rig 980Ti SLI with the X34 is bloody great! I have far fewer issues (mainly 'stutter' related) that I experienced with my previous SLI setups. There are very few games now that I play that have any issues with SLI either. Off the top of my head Just Cause 3 is the only one I have that flat out doesn't work with SLI, but it runs really well on just one card anyway with Gsync, so it's not the end of the world. I will definitely be skipping the 1080 gen.

Couldn't put it better myself. I had 980ti SLI and while the performance was just as you have described (I'm also using a X34a), the heat and noise was a nightmare. I've just installed a custom loop and am on the lookout for a second 980ti (had to sell my Classy as I need reference PCB for SLI under water.

The 1080ti would need to be something special for me to experience Pascal, and let's be honest... It's not going to be.

So my advice to OP is that IMO 980ti SLI is the preferred option but if not under water then heat+noise might be too much for you?
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