11 Nov 2006

I currently have a Seagate Barracuda 200GB SATA HDD. I have heard from quite a few people that buying a 2nd HDD and moving your Windows files onto it can improve performance. They usually recommend that I get a 40GB HDD. So I would have the SATA drive for my files, and the IDE drive for my OS.

I have a 10GB IDE HDD (5400rpm) from a p3... if I were to reformat it would this be an acceptable choice? The drive is in good condition. I also hear that Vista is an 8gb install, so in theory this drive should be ok.

I should clarify that I am a total noob when it comes to hard drives. Is it possible to run both an IDE and a SATA HDD on the same system? And will this drive meet my needs?

maGz said:
I have a 10GB IDE HDD (5400rpm) from a p3... if I were to reformat it would this be an acceptable choice? The drive is in good condition. I also hear that Vista is an 8gb install, so in theory this drive should be ok.
NO!!! The reason folk are going for small drives for Windows is that they're going for WD Raptors which are only available in small sizes (36, 74 or 150Gb). These drives have a 10000rpm spindle speed and hence have an average seek time significantly below any other SATA drive. The transfer rate they return is also faster than all but the fastest 7200rpm drive.

Using that 10Gb drive will make your system significantly slower than your current setup.

maGz said:
I should clarify that I am a total noob when it comes to hard drives. Is it possible to run both an IDE and a SATA HDD on the same system? And will this drive meet my needs?

As above, the 10Gb drive is a non starter. You can however run SATA and IDE at the same time.
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