3 guys tried to steal my bike

I know :( sorry but when it comes to my second bike nearly getting stolen (first one was my fault completly) I can't say much good about the police :)

What good could you say about the police? It's not like they could have stopped what happened happening, just one of those things unfortunately. As said, if you called them when it happened to report an attempted robbery at the time, you'd more than likely have had a very different experience.

When my bike got nicked, I just called up and asked for a crime reference number, as I knew there was no chance in getting it back.

Made me man up and get a proper sports bike though :p lol.
So I bought a Husqvarna WRE 2007 last Monday, for Greenlaning.


Took it out Sunday for a lovley muddy ride :) then went straight to my mates to chill out

at 11:45pm I started to warm up the engine (2 stroke) too go home.

at 12:00 I was ready to go home...closed my mates front door...wheel the bike backwards and then bam.

3 guys (rude boys) stood next to my bike smacking (in the helmet mostly) and trying to kick me off my bike.

One guy wraps his arm around my neck and drags me off the bike.

When another gets on the bike and stalls it....I punched him in the face and he drops too the floor with my bike. (not a knock out as my wind mills arn't that great)

So I take the chance to run to my mates door and bank on the door loudly

I see the guys pick up my bike and try wheel it away. (from the alley way i'm in onto the main road about 5/6 meters)

I run towards them and they drop the bike on the floor and run off.

As I pick up the bike the guys run again towards me shouting "**** him up"

I was lucky that at this point 7 of my mates stormed out the flat and gave chase, but they all got away.

Only damage to the bike was that the throttle didn't spring back and my front brake res was leaking which I both fixed this morning.

I also realised later that day that the Autolube pump is not working....so not mixing the 2 stroke oil with the fuel.

I suffer no damage =]

At least I got my bike back and they can't have any fun ranting it around and then burning it :).

I reported it this morning and they still yet to turn up at my house (told them I finnsh work at 5).

I went to the Petrol Station opposite to ask if I could see the CCTV, which they showed me.

You can see how the 3 guys watching me for around 2/3 minutes before they cross the road (camera can't see into lane).

I wouldn't want anyone to ever experiance this. Was horrible and I was pretty sure my bike was a goner, I am just glad they were not stronger or carried weapons around with them.

Keep your bikes safe guys :(

Nightmare - sorry to hear about this - sad state of the country ! ?! Do you use wormcc?!
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I know this is very un-pc, but you know what? If the ending of this story was "...and then we caught up with them and beat them to death", I'd have gone to sleep tonight with a nice warm feeling in my soul.
FYI you should have phoned them at the time on 999. This was an attempt robbery and I hope you would have had an immediate response.

would have been a good chance theyd catch them too imo. not hard for them to spot 3 young lads up to no good hanging about. probably even already known to police
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