3 months for hit and run killer ... WTF?

Well it doesn't appear to be any different to the usual punishment for faliure to stop after an accident and taking without consent - he'll have got a reduced sentance for the faliure to stop as he did hand himself in.
[TW]Fox said:
Well it doesn't appear to be any different to the usual punishment for faliure to stop after an accident and taking without consent - he'll have got a reduced sentance for the faliure to stop as he did hand himself in.

Well then the laws regarding that stink, you can
-steal a car
-have no drivers license
-no insurance
-not stop at an accident

and get 12 week. :(

No wonder so many people dont bother taking a test or paying for insurance.
robmiller said:
"mohammed hussain" omg i bet he was an asylum seeker too ship em all back! :mad: pc gone mad imo :mad:

why do you blame all the asylum seekers? surely it was the judges/uk law at fault!
nolimit said:
why do you blame all the asylum seekers? surely it was the judges/uk law at fault!

i read that comment as tongue in cheek, mocking the knee jerk reaction that we tend to get in GD regarding asylum seekers, or at least i hope it was :confused:

UK law has always been shoddy tbh. You not allowed to smack your own kid, easy entry to UK, giving asylum seekers big houses and all they do is make more babies, they hate the english. So who is at blame?
nolimit said:
UK law has always been shoddy tbh. You not allowed to smack your own kid, easy entry to UK, giving asylum seekers big houses and all they do is make more babies, they hate the english. So who is at blame?

yeah i hate how asylum seekers are the only ones who have loads of children and what's up with them not getting jobs?!
Why didn't the magistrate at least let the sentences be consecutive rather than concurrent? That would've been much more appropriate IMHO.
Not saying for 1 minute that this is right, just, excusable etc. but we got a quote recently to put our son onto our car insurance. Nothing flash in the car department but the quote was for £800. Driving without insurance in our area, according to the local paper last week attracted a fine of £300. Go figure.
Fox has raised some good points but at the end of the day it all falls down to the fact that he shouldn't have been on the road.

If Mr Hussain had abided by the law in the first place and not driven during his ban, it's quite likely that the girl would still be alive.
FincH said:
Fox has raised some good points but at the end of the day it all falls down to the fact that he shouldn't have been on the road.

If Mr Hussain had abided by the law in the first place and not driven during his ban, it's quite likely that the girl would still be alive.

Thats hardly relevant though, is it?

I mean what if somebody ran into the back of your Clio when you were waiting at the lights and somebody was killed as a result and then I said 'Well if you'd not been waiting at the lights it would never have happened!'

Its true but... it doesn't really make any difference. What is also true is that had he had a full UK driving license, insurance and it had been his own car, the accident would also most likely have still happened anyway..

Theft of a car = crime
Murder = crime
Illegally driving = crime

Well, he has officially raped the UK legal system since I'm pretty sure murder/manslaughter is more than 12 weeks alone. :p
Etaqua said:

Theft of a car = crime
Murder = crime
Illegally driving = crime

Well, he has officially raped the UK legal system since I'm pretty sure murder/manslaughter is more than 12 weeks alone. :p
1 and 3, yep. Murder? Murder is a crime, however the courts have decided that he is not guilty of murder or death by driving or whatever. Thus, he is innocent of murder.

For all we know, he could have been driving along, minding his own business when out stepped a kid and *bang* kid dead. Our driver, bricking himself because he stole the car and has no licence, buggered off. He turned himself in which tells me thatat least in part his disappearing act was out of panic and not malice.
Etaqua said:

Theft of a car = crime
Murder = crime
Illegally driving = crime

Well, he has officially raped the UK legal system since I'm pretty sure murder/manslaughter is more than 12 weeks alone. :p

Theft of a car = crime
Murder = crime
Illegally driving = crime

they are all true, but he did not commit murder.

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