30,000,000 (subject is misleading, we're already over 36,000,000)

Aye, I reckon so.

If you look at the individual URL for each post, you can see the number. For example, your first post: forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/30-000-000-subject-is-misleading-were-already-over-36-000-000.18970161/#post-36305857

That last figure is the actual post number

Fair enough. I always assumed that number referred a form of table ID within the database
can't everyone who is active on this website get a celebratory prize for participation.. like something like a free potatoe or something?
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A pearl anniversary ehh? Looking up pearl anniversary on Google I see the "modern gift" is ivory or diamond for this celebration.

Hmmm... a tusk or a flawless diamond Neither would go down well with some! :)

A pearl anniversary ehh? Looking up pearl anniversary on Google I see the "modern gift" is ivory or diamond for this celebration.

Hmmm... a tusk or a flawless diamond Neither would go down well with some! :)

You could always go for a pearl anniversary necklace?
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