30 days to get a new contract

18 Oct 2002
... well, about 28 now.

My vodafone account terminates in 28 days, and in this time I want to get a replacement phone and contract.

I've asked for some advice in the past few weeks, but now im ready to go, and need to find 'that' deal.

Was using an N70 up until a few days ago, and loved using it, however it was a little slow. Ideally, id get another N series fone (N90, N92 or N93) but no one when im calling around will give me a release date. I would be willing to get just a sim card off the network and have a written agreement that as soon as the phone was released it would be dispatched to me.

Therefore, im willing to look into other options, but if I cant get an N 90/92/93 I wouldnt mind getting a super slim fone (S7 SLVR in black maybe?)

Contract wise ill go with anyone bar Vodafone, and will consider any promotion, but I wouldnt mind one of these 12 month contract 12 months free gimmics.

Usage wise I probably need no more than 100-150 texts, but around 500 + minutes *Came off anytime 500 with stop the clock off voda, but would like to bring my monthly bill down from the £45 I was paying.

Ideally, id like to order off a store that has a highstreet equivlent, or at least an online retailer with a reputable status (fellow ocukers ordering off it will suffice)

so.... what do people recommend? links appreciated
Currently you could walk into an Orange store and walk out with 680 minutes, 1000 texts, free insurance, a magic number (like stop the clock) and a phone for £35 a month on an 18 month contract....

Or online you could get 650 minutes, 1100 texts for £30 a month with a 3g handset from Orange (again 18 months).

Just depends what you want really.
Space Cowboy said:
Where's this?

On the orange website, web direct plans (new customer plans, choose exclusive offers)

Then choose the 300 mins/100 texts at £30. Choose a 3g phone and tick the box for 50% extra crossnet minutes free. That takes you to 450mins/100 texts.

Then there is also a promotion on this month that online plans over £30 bought this month get 200 additional crossnet minutes for life and 1000 texts for 18 months.

Et Voila, 650 minutes and 1100 texts for £30 :) The only issue for some people is that they don't rollover, and you don't get a paper bill unless you pay an extra £1 for it.
are the 1000 extra texts on a per monthly basis? In any case thats a pretty good deal, don't see what people have against 18 month contracts tbh, pick the right handset and your sorted. most of my paper bills end up in the bin anyway, on online bill would at least get saved.. is there any scope for getting some of these offers included in an upgrade?
Yep, it's 1000 messages per month on top of whatever the package is. (if you're a really heavy text user you can vary the package to give you more texts and less minutes up to about 1750 a month or so, for example 400 minutes 1750 texts)

And yes, you could get it on upgrade, although you would probably be looking at a 24 month contract rather than a 18 because of the upgrade rules.

Did I mention that all the plans I've listed also qualify you for free home broadband as well?

And yeah, I have to agree on the 18 month contract thing. It's simply a case of deciding whether you want the better contract or a more frequent change in phone, different things suit different people, some people forget that :)
Whats the craic with the broadband offer?

Ive been speaking with upgrades/retentions this week and forgot to mention it, however, @ £30ppm what broadband offers are open to me? Am i right in thinking that the uncapped service is also available and that this would be a tenner a month?
sorry to steal back my thread...

Any other suggestions anyone? ive seen the LG880 for free on a 12 month contract with 3, with 12 months free... very tempted to get this, and then if the N92 ever comes out and has support, I could just get that also
Morba said:
flext on t-mob, tho you wont get one of those phones :/

see, t-mobile is an odd one... they have mint contracts, but have told me they wont stock any of those phones... anyone seen any offers of something like the W810i on T-Mobile with loads of free months?
Conanius said:
if the N92 ever comes out and has support, I could just get that also

Im not sure about the availablity of the TV on the N92, I know that o2 were testing it (in oxford or something), but I havent heard anything from any other network.
Conanius said:
see, t-mobile is an odd one... they have mint contracts, but have told me they wont stock any of those phones... anyone seen any offers of something like the W810i on T-Mobile with loads of free months?

how about you get the phone from t-mob online on the contract you want, then see me in irc. or see me in irc before you buy online ;]
Morba said:
how about you get the phone from t-mob online on the contract you want, then see me in irc. or see me in irc before you buy online ;]

if i bought mine from tmob shop a few months ago can you do anthing? ;)
Morba said:
how about you get the phone from t-mob online on the contract you want, then see me in irc. or see me in irc before you buy online ;]

I'll give you a shout when I get home later tonite mate, incase you didnt know, on IRC username is |kore|

decided after looking at fones im gonna get a nokia 6280, really like the design and feel etc.

now, deals...

Phones 4 u offered me the Video Talk n Text on an 18 month contract for 22.50 for the first 6 months, 35 for the next six, and then 45 for the final 6, however, they told me they would definately buy me out of my contract in the 12th month, and I could upgrade and get a new phone.. I told them id take a look online, and get back to them tomorrow, they are keen to do a deal.

so, I had a search around when I got home, and have found some pretty good deals.

Video Text n Talk 1100 is the tarrif i'll probably end up with on 3

12 months @ 19.99, free 512mb card and free bluetooth headset, 12 month contract. <-- seems to be the best so far

22.50 for 9 months, 12 month contract

either 8 months free on an 18 month contract, or 10 months 1/2 price on a 12 month..

now... has anyone seen any deals better than that anywhere? im not really sure who is and isnt reputable online, so appreciate some help finding a better price. ideally 12 month contract, but would consider 18 if the deal is good enough...
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Dolph said:
On the orange website, web direct plans (new customer plans, choose exclusive offers)

Then choose the 300 mins/100 texts at £30. Choose a 3g phone and tick the box for 50% extra crossnet minutes free. That takes you to 450mins/100 texts.

Then there is also a promotion on this month that online plans over £30 bought this month get 200 additional crossnet minutes for life and 1000 texts for 18 months.

Et Voila, 650 minutes and 1100 texts for £30 :) The only issue for some people is that they don't rollover, and you don't get a paper bill unless you pay an extra £1 for it.

Sorry to hijack thread guys, but I just had a question for Dolph! Im interested in this deal with Orange but the "50% free extra crossnet minutes" on the Orange website says "on 3g" - does this mean you get 150 mins of 3g time to surf websites etc, or is that just for things like video calls, or is it simply another 150 mins to other mobile networks? :confused:
nero120 said:
Sorry to hijack thread guys, but I just had a question for Dolph! Im interested in this deal with Orange but the "50% free extra crossnet minutes" on the Orange website says "on 3g" - does this mean you get 150 mins of 3g time to surf websites etc, or is that just for things like video calls, or is it simply another 150 mins to other mobile networks? :confused:

It's 50% extra free cross net minutes, so it's just 150 mins to other mobile networks. The reason for the mention of 3g is that you have to be buying a 3g phone to qualify for that one.
Dolph said:
It's 50% extra free cross net minutes, so it's just 150 mins to other mobile networks. The reason for the mention of 3g is that you have to be buying a 3g phone to qualify for that one.

Gotcha! Cheers mate.
Conanius said:
sorry to steal back my thread...

Any other suggestions anyone? ive seen the LG880 for free on a 12 month contract with 3, with 12 months free... very tempted to get this, and then if the N92 ever comes out and has support, I could just get that also

Where did you see this deal ? Cant see it on the 3 website ?
Dolph, whats oranges policy on video calls? are they extra or come out of your free mins like o2?

Also are the charges steep for surfing the net on a 3g phone if you dont pay extra for bandwidth, if u understand me! :confused:
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