30 May 2006
Is the new action epic 300 any good? i have been told the special effect are amazing but the storey not much to shout about, is this true and would you recommend it?


DON'T expect an epic. If you do you will be sorely dissapointed.

It's a fun movie version of a comic book, nothing more nothing less. and if that's what you take it for then you will love it. :)
I was about to harshly point you towards the existing 300 thread, but it contains spoilers so i'll let you off ;)

Tis a very fun film in my opinion. Well worth seeing at the cinema for the visuals, i dont think it would half as interesting on DVD. I thought the story was alright, the people harping on about it being not true to history are just being dumb (it's based on a graphic novel, people!). I didnt think it was 'epic' by any means as it was just focussed on the 300 Spartans, so dont go expecting LOTR/Troy (*gag*) type battles. It's not gonna change your world, but there's a lot worse to see out there.

All in all, style way over substance.. but the style is soooo good.

It's not an epic (e.g.) galdiator, but it is a true masterpiece. Off to see it again next week, the first film ive ever gone to see twice !
yes very good, storys ok, but is obviously telling its version of the story of the 300, it carry's the film well and it being a graphic novel is kind of a summarized snippet of the story, amazing special effects and cinematography
seek said:
DON'T expect an epic. If you do you will be sorely dissapointed.

It's a fun movie version of a comic book, nothing more nothing less. and if that's what you take it for then you will love it. :)
it just lacks epic music tbh :D

In with the epic music, out with the gay commentary
dmpoole said:
Unbelievable, 5 threads on this film.
why is it unbelievable? only two of them are recent threads. :/

3 are pre-release (old/redundant)

1 is for people who have seen it (current)

1 is for people who havn't seen it and don't want spoilers. (current)
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Can I be the first to say:

"Distinctly average"

Kinda left me feeling a little bit dirty... and curious how many men's chests they digitaly enhanced! :D Probally none... and that depresses me!
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