300gb Maxtor IDE Drives *shakes fist*

8 Nov 2005
I bought 4 x 300gb Maxtor HDD drives to put into an array about 2 years ago.
About a year after that, one failed, managed to get all the data off, returned to maxtor.
Six months later, another one failed, same deal.
Now a THIRD has failed, and I'm starting to get annoyed (especially as this time it seems to have lost the data!).

Is there some way I can badger Maxtor into giving me a replacement for the fourth one (as I have no doubt that in six months it will fail), or do I have to just wait for the inevitable?
semi-pro waster said:
I very much doubt you can say "excuse me chaps, I have a premonition my drive may fail, could you replace it please" but if you want to try please don't let me stop you :)

You could try running Maxblast on the drive to see if it can diagnose any problems but unless that drive line have been recalled as a whole by Maxtor I don't think there is anything you can do other than see if it does fail. If it does then they should replace it provided it is under warranty.
Aye, five year warranty, but a 75% failure rate.. seems pretty probably the last ones gonna pop its clogs.
EDIT: Holy crap it's copying it again, COME ON HDD! YOU CAN DO IT!

Trouble is I'm a couple of hundred gigs short on free space to copy it to :S

I need a hard drive over here STAT!
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jas72 said:
when i did my Quality assurance engineering module we were shown some tech sheets from major suppliers of electronices. Most were happy with a 97.5 success rate and it was prooved theorectically that without additionally testing fully each device this is all you could hope for.

That means 3 drives per 100 may fail due to the producton line.
Well looks like I got three of them :p
Coolit said:
I always found Maxtor drives quite good. I only had problems with two drives, both were bought at the same time, same spec and used in the same raid array.

It was caused by overheating, do you have good air flow over the drives? are they close together?
(sorry to revive the thread, posted it and forgot about it pretty much.

Yeah, the air flow's excellent as it's one of those chieftec cases with 3 fans covering the 8 HDD slots.
The dodgy ones are the bottom four of the ones in this photo.

One's missing in that photo.. hmm.. wonder why!
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