31.5" 2560x1440 165 Hz VA G-Sync - LG 32GK850G

Tomorrow, with any luck.

Oh sweet, can't wait to read your review.

I've been reading the owners manual. This thing supposedly has some nice tricks up its sleeve. 1ms FALD back-light response, able to run FALD zones without HDR, strobe backlight mode, adjustable overdrive settings in small increments, Fast-Sync 40-60 Hz, etc.
Yeah, I received a 'reviewer guide' prior to the unit being shipped. It has a 1μs response for the backlight (even better) and I was surprised to learn about the strobe backlight mode plus the fact it's a true 10-bit panel.

To clarify to others; we're discussing the ASUS PA32UC not LG 32GK850G.

I wonder how they got the FALD back-light to respond that fast. Hopefully it doesn't have atrocious input-lag. I also wonder since it has a strobe backlight, if it is going to double strobe like the Dell OLED for 120 pulses at 60 Hz. I bet this is the same panel and backlight that is going to be used in the G-Sync monitor later this year. The one that was suppose to come out quite a bit later than the 27 FALD G-Sync's which got pushed back till summer. 32" 4K is much better anyway.
Ya not sure what "24P" is suppose to mean, maybe a typo? 60 Hz flicker is unbearable for me, could only imagine 24 Hz.

It does look like there are quite a bit of exclusions between settings. Like you can't run HDR with trace free or strobe backlight, etc. HDR you cannot adjust virtually all image quality settings, not even brightness according to the manual.

I just hope it is a lot better than the Dell 27 FALD. That thing was really bad in my testing.
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