3200mhz memory instability on Ryzen

For ryzen best to run ram at the same speed as the infinity fabric clock

Stupid question... how do I see what the IF clock is set to? Is that the same as the bus speed? (Which I think is 100MHz default)

Just run the ram as fast as it go with stability as the FCLK will always be set to match on the 2700X.

Got it, that keeps things nice and simple :D
The fclk will always be half the ram speed on a 2700 so for 3066 the fclk will be 1533 etc. Ryzen master is a good way to check it.
My system b-die required 1.38v exactly, either side of that throws mem errors. Under 1.38v throws errors very quickly, over 1.38v would take a run of many hours to error so I think too much voltage may have been heat related errors.
Hmm that's actually interesting @subroutine ... when i was getting my game crashes I was running 1.40V (which is the default for The Stilt's memory profile in the Asus BIOS). Backing down to 1.35V might also be a part of the issue (i.e. maybe additional tonne of heat from the graphics card pushing the RAM just over the edge).

Do you guys all run with 1T command enabled by the way?


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