320GB HD only displaying 298GB Capacity...

Because HD manufacturers specify space in 1000s, whereas tech companies use the proper 1024s, so you're losing space due to differences in calculations, which adds up, and then you lose a bit when formatting too for various reasons.

For example, my 250GB drive shows as 232GB formatted and inuse.
You will never get the full advertised amount available...

1gb = 1024mb, but retailers/manufacturers base it on 1gb = 1000mb.
As stated above, it's cause of the way hdd manufacturers measure capacity vs the rest of us. I have the exact same drive and the same size. Really 1MiB = 1024 GiB but no one really uses binary byte notation. but anyway, it's right:

320GB * 1000^3 / 2 ^ 30 = 298.02GiB

I have 3 of the exact same 7200.10 Seagate Barracuda 320GB drives and all 3 of them show as 298GB. So its nothing bad, just differences in the terms used/calculations as stated above.
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