32gb for Windows 10?

28 Jan 2011
Hey guys,

quick q, will a 32gb SSD be enough storage room for Windows 10 ONLY.

will be using a 500gb hard drive for storage, only CS GO / PUBG and the odd file.

Gonna be close it bloats fast and new builds create a massive Windows. Old fikder... Id say not enough.. Initially it would fit but in 6 months you will be struggling. .

If you had said media server I'd have said sure (maybe disable windiws update though
One of my tablets runs Windows 10 on a 32GB eMMC drive - its OK if you are just making light use of the OS and you have to do a bit of housekeeping to install the major feature updates sometimes but for a desktop OS it would be a bit restrictive.
Windows 7 is manageable on 32gb, but with Windows 10, it keeps getting large cumulative updates, so you're constantly fighting free space with something like TreeSize.

I'd say 64gb minimum for Windows 10.

128gb is more of ''never need to worry" size.
When I read the title I thought you were talking about RAM ;) (given the sub forums I guess I should have known better)

As others has said 32gb isn't impossible but it will just end up being a pain in the hump ;)
I have a 30gb and after installing windows 7 64bit I had 15gb left, barely did any updates though, I recently decided to change, so now I’m trying out windows 10 enterprise, again 15gb after installation, after some updates and couple programs I have like 8.??gb left, it’s the only drive in the system as it’s original intended use was general, but main focus around movie watching from my mini projector, so I would say it’s enough for the OS, more so if you setup page file or whatever differently as I don’t have a 2nd drive to test that.
I have windows 7 and 10 installs and with a few progs I like to have I find that I use around 90GB so 120/128 is the sweet spot for me.
its irrelevant now, but i think a 20-40gb ssd would only be more problematic in a laptop if its an every day one with a single drive option, i dont think the cloud could help much either.
Windows 10 on a machine I have that doesn't do much is eating 56G.
When you hit a big windows update (like the creators one) it'll use a lot more as its effectively the same process as an upgrade from win7 to win10. It leaves behind the previous version of windows in case you need to roll back. You can get the space back with dick cleanup, but its still going to want a lot of space to do the update.
I wouldn't use anything less than 120G.
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