34.7gb raptor Raid 0 vs 74gb raptor vs spinpoint 40gb raid 0

do you think i should get a raptor as they are quite expensive. I would install windows and games on the raptor, and keep data and things on a 160gb spinpoint. or should i just use the spinpoint and partition it?
smids said:
74GB raptor - expensive but a good option. Good reliability, decent space, good speed but pricey.

RAID0 80GB drives - reliability questionable without a backup solution but certainly fast - easily faster than a 74GB raptor or even a 150GB raptor.

how is it easily faster?
yea, but whats the difference between access time and read and write time.. what does each thing do?
Also if i had 2 160gb sata 2 spinpoint hds in raid 0, would that be better than the raptor 74gb
so if i got 2x 80gb hitachi deskstars in raid array 0 would it be faster than a 74gb raptor. would it be reliable and quiet.

Another thing. whats more important the read and write time or the access time. and would windows boot faster and things if i got the deskstars. cheers

PS: i will be getting another 160gb drive for backup, what drive should i get?
are the desktar and seagates quiet? and would it be likely the deskstar drive in raid 0 will fail?

and is 100mb read with 9 access time better than like 50mb read with 4.5 access time? and how much better would it be and *** would it be better in.

sorry for all the quesitons


ps: also, why are seagate good for backup?
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