34GK950F or 34GK950G?

14 Feb 2012
Hi, I'm looking to purchase one of the above monitors to be used with an Nvidia 2070/80 but I'm slightly confused as to which one to go for.

I have absolutely no knowledge in this area but was under the impression that I should go GSync with Nvidia and FreeSync with AMD, however I've read a few articles that appear to suggest Nvidia's latest drivers will get the performance with the slightly cheaper 34GK950F model?

Is this correct or have I missed something?

I would go for the Freesync 2 version despite the fact you have Nvidia because you can enable gsync. For what it's worth, today I returned my 34GK950G model today to get the freesync2 model.

Freesync2 model is cheaper
144hz natural vs 120hz overclocked
10 bit vs 8 bit
HDR vs no HDR

Nvidia has opened up the field to a select few freesync monitors and this is one of them. Check youtube for a few reviews of people having ZERO issues running their nvidia cards with this monitor.

Thanks Chaapa'ai, just what I needed to hear!
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