36 gig raptor v conventional drive... :(

11 Mar 2004
im not noticing too much of a difference with this raptor i have to say...

according to bench tests my seagate 200 gig has an avg write of 55mbs whilst the raptor has just over 60mbs, thats only about 10% faster :( not much considering how expensive they are compaired to a conventional drive...

am i supposed to do something special with it ??
8mb cache or 16mb ?

8mb cache = really old design, so isnt much better than a 7200rpm drive, though supposedly better, i didnt reckon much to my 8mb 74gb model :rolleyes:

16mb cache = newer model, and supposedly really good performance (same as 150gb model)

nothing special to do as far as i know, both are only SATA1
jellybeard999 said:
8mb cache or 16mb ?

8mb cache = really old design, so isnt much better than a 7200rpm drive, though supposedly better, i didnt reckon much to my 8mb 74gb model :rolleyes:

so i just spent £37 for 36 gig when i should have just got an SATA 2 160 gig for £40 ??? :(
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