360 Joypads??

8 Nov 2002
I currently use a ps2 pad with a convertor which works very well and have never had any problems,But I fancy a change.

Is the standard 360 pad any better other than the fact i haven't got to use the convertor(with and extra 2miles of cable).
Scottie2004 said:
Can I just purchase a wireless one and use it for any pc game? NSFMW for instance?

No, wireless 360 pads will not work with your PC, ONLY the corded one.
But they are on their way... Microsoft will release a wireless receiver for the PC enabling the use of the 360 wireless pads.

Not all games support the 360 pads though. I was reading today that some games (maybe the older ones) don't allow configuration of the analog sticks properly and hence you are stuck with an unmoveable camera.
sunlitsix said:
yeah, i cant get the right stick to control the camera view in san andreas.
unless im looking in the wrong places :confused:

Yes, that's one of the games that can't be configured properly.
Which is unacceptable really for such a high-profile game... And this isn't 1998 when each joypad needed its own custom drivers to work, we're under XP now so they really have no excuse. These shoddy, quick cash-in PC ports are making my blood boil - either they're completely unsuited to the format or they're months later than simultaneous console launches. I don't buy ports anymore, just PC-exclusives, and I reccomend you do the same.
manveruppd said:

that's not really fair, san andreas is around a year old now, and for the 360 controller to work properly it needs an updated directX API or something from later than november i believe... so the technology for the 360 controller is newer than the game, (ever complained because you can't get force feedback on solitaire?) so unless a patch is brought out for GTA, which i don't see happening, we're all stuffed.
Hmm... I got the impression you meant SA didn't work properly with ANY joypad on PC. I haven't bought it, but it was certainly the case with Vice City and GTA3. In any case the 360 pad should just work with the HID-compliant device drivers and not need its own, so there's still no excuse.
San andreas was the only one to work with my joypads as it had a option in the menus to switch axis

so when you look up it does not look to the side like it did in the first two

but this is not the only game i have seen do this it would be better if you had the option to switch axis in control panel i think
You can get an unofficial driver which lets you configure everything/set dead zones etc so you can use it with any game.

Have a search of the forum as i've seen links posted here.
I shudder at the thought of being chased whilst driving a bike and not being able to quickly look around using a movement of the mouse. I can't imagine using a joypad to look and also trying to steer a bike through traffic.

Maybe i'm just old fashioned ;) Come to think of it, the last console i owned was a SNES and before that an atari lynx. Been a PC gamer for a while. I just can't get used to using joypads anymore.

But i have to admit, i reckon they're the best thing to use if you're playing Fifa and such.
My brother purchased a 360 today, i had a feel of the pad and im not impressed. I like the PS2 pad a lot better, but i do like the triggers on the back better than the shoulder buttons of the PS2 pad. I think the dream cast pad pwns both TBH :cool: .

yeah there are multi adaptors that lets you use dc,ps1,n64 pads on pc cheak on fleabay but be warned drivers are very very flaky
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