360 Pricedrops? Decisions Decisions

18 Oct 2003
Dont suppose theres any insider knowledge as when/if some 360 price drops will come about.

To be honest, i cant see them dropping the price soon especially due to lack of potential competition with the current PS3 rumours.

Im thinking of buying one, but being a student, its gotta be the right choice... if i hook it up to my 19" TFT will it look badass?

You never know though?
The price will not drop until a release date for the PS3 has been announced, even then, it may not drop until the PS3's release.


EDIT - Actually, thinking about it, the first price drop may be around the end of the first quarter, possibly the second. Microsoft won't want to loose out to the second hand market.
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I don't see why they would lose out when there is still no current gen competition. I can't see there being a price drop till autumn at least.
RoB- said:
I don't see why they would lose out when there is still no current gen competition. I can't see there being a price drop till autumn at least.
This is my thinking. MS know people will buy 2nd hand regardless of any price drop they make (as shops will always price the 2nd hand consoles cheaper than the retail price), so as there is no competition yet there's no reason to drop the price. I would guess a drop will come around September. It's when students get their loan payments so would make perfect sense to me.
my guess is they will drop the price by end of first quater or even earlier when possible. as soon as they have stock they will plunge the price. it's a strategy to get as many xbox out before ps3 is ready. this is a sure win method to be the leader of console market. I predict I will buy a 360 when the ps3 is out as it should be almost half the price of a ps3. everyone will hold out from buying a PS3 since 360 is dead cheap with big library of games compare to PS3 with probably a dozen crappy launch titles
Mmmmmmmmm, I cant see them dropping the price for a good time yet, they can sell all they produce at the full retail price now so what's the point in dropping the price.

It will only drop I would have thought when sales start to slow down.
If i'm Bill I will issue the price drop. Want to give Sony the fatal blow once and for all. Not worrying too much about people who bought the 360 at premium price as they are loyal.
I think microsoft have two choices:

1) drop the price as soon as possible, to get as much market penetration as possible, as most people only buy one console from each generation. Problem being it could annoy early adopters who paid the full price if they drop the price too soon. But then early adopters always get shafted one way or the other.

2) build up stock and slash the price with a massive marketing campaign just prior to the PS3 launch, to try and make xbox 360 the most desirable choice for the non-hardcore gamers who are probably more interested in price than anything.

I'd go for the latter myself.
What we need to remember is that the 360 was pretty keenly priced to start with, at the expense of Microsoft if the figures of how much they are losing per unit are to be believed.

I think a price drop will come when they can optimise production methods/reduction of cpu size etc to reduce costs.

As for the PS3 launch, it all depends on how aggresive Sony can be with the pricing but I can't see it forcing the 360 down in price tbh. Whether they decide to drop the price or offer some good value packages is another matter.
I cant see a price drop on the 360 any time soon. PS3 is already gonna be 400+ by all accounts, maybe as much as 600 on release. Granted its probably going to have a Blu-Ray player tho.

I think the 360 is at the right price point for the forseeable future. M$ are already making a loss on it, I dont think they could afford to slash much or anything off it at the moment.
imo m$ will drop the price around the ps3 launch, with new dashboard features such as msn messenger etc, anything that can be promote to win over the consumers, imo the current price is already very low to penetrate the market, for the casual gamer 210 quid is nice price
gord said:
Dont suppose theres any insider knowledge as when/if some 360 price drops will come about.

To be honest, i cant see them dropping the price soon especially due to lack of potential competition with the current PS3 rumours.

Im thinking of buying one, but being a student, its gotta be the right choice... if i hook it up to my 19" TFT will it look badass?

You never know though?

Loads of monitors get nasty borders... my friends Samsung 913N doesn't however, and it looks nice on that.
The Premium will drop to £250 and the Core to £180 sometime around August-October, if the consoles even cheaper people will buy it, it will have a great catalogue of games.

I seriously wouldn't be expecting any before July, Microsoft have no reason to, demand is still huge! They are selling out quicker than they are hitting the shelves, so why drop the price? Sales will fade towards summer, quick advertising campaign and a price drop and Sony's worst nightmare.
Maybe not drop straight away. I think we may see a value pack or special edition to stir up some extra sales. but there is no need to drop price until there is competition IMO. As there is no competition atm why drop the price? If they were struggleing to sell then I would understand but they are clearly not, demand is massive.
Oakesy2001uk said:
Maybe not drop straight away. I think we may see a value pack or special edition to stir up some extra sales. but there is no need to drop price until there is competition IMO. As there is no competition atm why drop the price? If they were struggleing to sell then I would understand but they are clearly not, demand is massive.

We already have a value pack, it's called the "Core"... or, you could even say the value pack was the "Premium".
They can't drop the price too soon because they don't have any stock! If they dropped the price and sold out again, people would get even more annoyed.

I think they'll drop the price around June at the very earliest. Xbox360 will have plenty of stock by then, and they'll still have a couple of months on the Japanese PS3 release. I'm predicting £229 for Premium, and £179 for Core.

Then a further price drop just before PS3 launch to £199 Premium and £159 Core!
With PS3 selling at at least £349, probably £399 in the UK, that'll make a big difference to the non-hardcore people.
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Come on its cheap as chips to start with, what so maybe they might drop the price but it sure as heck wont be till at least mid year, and by what £30 its not exactly a huge amount of money especially if you have to wait 6 months to get it at that price.
Watch Japan and america TBH. Sony will release the console there first and MS will show how it will react to the compitition.

As stated there will be no price reduction untill sales slow. This does not look likely to be for a few months yet. The 360 has been on sale for about 6-7 weeks now and still is not readily available.

They will eventually cut the price. I mean all console get to the £100 mark eventually. But I can not see any dramatic price cuts until there is compitition on the market. We will see the first round of price cuts after Sony put a release date in stone. Then regular cuts up until Sonys release date. About a month Before there will be a significant price cut and a value pack being released. I would imagine on the week before a new promotion will come out and a week after another promotion.

My question is will Sony attempt a world wide release. I was of the opinion until about 5 min ago that they would do their standard; Japan, America +3 months; Europe some time later.

However this give MS more time for market penitration and to release killer apps in the US and UK.
Kronologic said:
My question is will Sony attempt a world wide release. I was of the opinion until about 5 min ago that they would do their standard; Japan, America +3 months; Europe some time later.

However this give MS more time for market penitration and to release killer apps in the US and UK.

SONY have some tough decisions to make, they know they can punish M$ in Japan, thats a foregone conclusion to anyone with eyes. The real kicker is the rumours which have some sense of sensibility to them regarding a launch schedule. If SONY yet again looks to alienate the US/Euro markets with delayed launches then 360 will have a large amount of penetration due to M$ doing the sensible thing and currently redirecting ALL 360 shipments to those territories.

SONY can do a huge launch in Japan with over a million units and probably guarantee to sell all of em in the first week BUT they will then rely on that momentum to drive marketing in the other areas. M$ have set quite a high bar this time round, they where out first, they had an almost simultaneous launch and by the time PS3 hits we are gonna have killer apps and games which have longer dev cycles than the launch lineup. The way SONY handle this could most definitely determine the make or break in US/Euro land.
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