360 speed equal to?

Difficult to say, as you don't get Tri-core processors etc.

I'd say a top end A64 Dual core, and 7800 series nVidia in SLI ? Dunno, some will say silly specs, others will say pants.

Now I've seen the speed COD2 runs, though slightly lower detail, it does look fantastic, and I know it runs pretty pants on my PC.

You've got some very well optimised games on there, like Kameo, PGR3 so they really fly.

But you've also got some games, really un-optimised, and run pretty badly, like Quake 4.
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I would agree with the above, not forgetting mate that the games were playing at the minute are only the first generation of 360 games. Give it 12 months for the dev's to get their heads round the learning curves for the new technoology and i think were going to be seeing the 360 performing as well as current technology 12 months from now.

Paul ...
NokkonWud said:
It's like nothing seen on this Earth, and like anything we'll ever see again!

I think we will take that in the manner it was surely meant :p
p.s. yer sig breaks the rules (only allowed one line of text under a piccie)

as for the power it really is hard to say, TBH i dont see it being THAT much better than a similar machine to mines. Although as said before it is first gen games, cause Quake IV and COD2 look better run just as smoothe but at a higher res on my PC.
But at the same time, my PC would deffo struggle against something like Kameo.
Its funny though because although you get a tri core processor, you dont get something like a x-fi in it, which can give substantial increase in performance, I may be wrong but the CPU does all the sound do dahs on the 360 aswell, and i had a guy on BF2 last night say he got 20 fps extra by going to a x-fi (that i highly doubt i noticed maybe 5 - 10 max, but i cant say he is wrong)
Its all 6 of one really, imho its probably similar to maybe an 57 with 2 x 7800GT's, not 2 x GTX's though thats too much, especially for the resolutions it outputs in imo
you cant compare the 360 to a pc imo as they have totally differently made parts. the cpu consists of 3 cores @ 3.2Ghz. atm there isnt a tri core pc cpu out, but if there was the cores would be assembled differently to this one. all the parts of a console are optimised for gaming unlike pc componants which are made for all sorts. on the whole at the moment, i dont think there is a pc out which can equal the pure awsome gaming power of the 360.

EDIT: That quad sli dell XPS renegade wont either ;) 2GB of video memory.. whos going to be running at 4000x3000 :p
MouseMat2004 said:
Thos got me thinking the other day.

What were the Xbox/PS2 graphics like compared of the PC equiv when they were released?

consoles have tended to have the same if not better graphical effects when released, but many people found the better image of a PC monitor compared to a TV to be the deciding factor, without considering what was really being produced by the machine.
Jumpurs, I'm pretty sure the 360 has an external sound processor.

As for the performance, as been said its very hard to tell. I dont think games like kameo could be handled by current hardware as well as the 360 manages it. Future 360 titles like gears of war also look rather breathtaking. I think its based on the new unreal engine which will choke current pc hardware, yet on the 360 they had it running smooth even when using one core.
Put it this way, its definatly futureproof for the next few years before Pcs can create noticably better looking games.
Like has been said before though, are a lot of pc games not just sloppily coded these days, as a result running poor on what should still be very good setups?
SC04 said:
but many people found the better image of a PC monitor compared to a TV to be the deciding factor, without considering what was really being produced by the machine.

i suppose this is where HDTV will make a big difference in being able to compare PC to consoles????

im unsure but im on the hunt for a 360 now i have my new HDTV i wanna make the most of it.
Uhoh said:
What kinda Pc spec is the 360 equal to? I saw Project gotham racing 3 and well :D

Do you mean the raw specs, or the performance that each machine will give in the real world?

I believe high end PCs are faster than the xbox360 *on paper* (I read that, for example the 360's cpu is not as fast as current high end x86 cpu's, but that is a moot point because..) but in the real world the xbox360 will usually be fastest as it is a fixed hardware platform and the games can be optimised better. Of course it still needs this to happen, otherwise you get lazy ports like EA's Need for speed most wanted which runs at 30fps, the same as the xbox and ps2 versions. That particular game runs better on PCs therefore.
I wish they would bring Project gotham racing 3 to the pc! No racer on the pc comes close!

I know its an xbox exclusive but then wasnt halo?
Uhoh said:
I wish they would bring Project gotham racing 3 to the pc! No racer on the pc comes close!

I know its an xbox exclusive but then wasnt halo?

Well PGR1 + 2 din't appear, I very much doubt it'll come to PC.

Halo was originally a PC game to start with, one of the reasons it came to the PC in the end.

In my opinion the arcadey racers on the consoles don't need to be on PC, we've got plenty of brilliant sim-racers :p (though not everybodys cups of tea :p )
An Xbox360 is definitely more powerful than a 7800GTX, I know my friends can't output normal maps to the degree his 360 can.

He also has a 4400+ X2 and 4gb RAM. Even he says his Xbox360 is more powerful.
NokkonWud said:
An Xbox360 is definitely more powerful than a 7800GTX, I know my friends can't output normal maps to the degree his 360 can.

He also has a 4400+ X2 and 4gb RAM. Even he says his Xbox360 is more powerful.

What has he compaired that too, what normal maps cant he produce to the degree of the 360??
just outta curiousity
Quake 4 and Call of Duty 2 specifically run better on the Xbox360 than on his PC.

As a video graphics designer who specialises in 3D Games Design, or more precisely, 3D Studio Max and modelling for games, i.e. game environments including that of Normal maps, he is acutely aware of system limitations and acknowledges that the Xbox360 technology is more able to draw normal maps.

I believe him and I do the same thing.
i dont think that you would be able to compare a 7800GTX (which i own) to a 360.. the 360 has all of its parts made to work together, and games can be optimised far and beyond what pc games can. you dont go out and buy pc games for every single spec of pc out.

the 360 has:

IBM Tri-Core CPU
- 3 symetrical cores running @ 3.2Ghz
- 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core

Custom ATi Graphics Processor - Xenos
- 500Mhz Core
- 10MB embedded DRAM
- 48 way floating point sahder pipelines

- 700Mhz

That is a pretty nice looking spec, but you cannot compare this to a pc. no multi core cpu has cache shared between all of the cores. No PC has a GPU designed in such a way that Xenos has been. No graphics card has used the system of all shader pipelines being able to be used as vertex or pixel. All this seems good and new, but consoles are a lot harder to analyis, performance wise so we can't really tell if this 'new' technology is really 'Next-Gen'.


PS: i have a 360 and a PC with a 3500 Venice, 1GB OCZ DDR and a 7800GTX. please dont call me a fanboy either way.
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