Yeah like Davey said they run at 1280x720, although COD 2 claims to be able to run at 1080.
I got COD2 off of a mate in work today to have a looksee comparison with the PC version.
COD2 on the 360 defo does not run 4x AA, my PC is set to 4 x AA and there are very noticable jaggies, in comparison. And i think it is also 2 x as the kiosk demo i dont think had any at all and this is better (marginally) than that. The tuxtures are just not quite as detailed, but tbh COD2 on the PC went a bit bump map mad really lol and that might just be because the PC version is running a higher Res, havent had a true chance to Faff about yet
Over the weekend if i can get my camera settings right i will try do comparisons of xbox 360 Vs my PC for COD2, Quake IV (360 Demo, PC full), NSF: MW (360 Demo Vs Full PC) and if there is a tiger woods 06 demo for the PC i will do that vs full version of the 360.
Need to do it from camera so i dont show Screen grabs from PC games Vs camera shots of 360 games, although i think a lot of the finer details will be lost in translation tbh, but i will see

I think if MS had forced the 4 x AA policy on Dev's a lot more people would have been a lot happier, as most people bad mouthing screenies etc, the main gripe is the lack of AA.