3D Acceleration help reqd!!

18 Oct 2002
I am using Suse Linux 8.1 Pro, and want to enable the 3D aspect of my Nvidia GF2 MX 200 card.

I have used the Yast Online Update app to d/l the Nvidia drivers.

I then logged as /root and typed 'switch2xf86_glx' in the konsole.

Then I logged again as /root. This time I used Sax2 to try and enable the 3D features, but when it tests it, the settings fail and I have to deselect the 3D acceleration in Sax2 before it will be happy.

Where am I going wrong?
My understanding was that once I had d/l the relevant Nvidia drivers from the Suse FTP I could just run Sax2 and select the enable 3D features.

When I do this what happens is the test does not complete, and I get a message saying it had found screens, but none that it could use?

I am in /root when trying to do this, so I really cannot understand what's wrong.

The only thing I can think is that the Nvidia drivers do not support 1280x1024@16 bit. That's what the 2D default drivers are running at.

You did install the drivers right? Theres two way this can be done, either you downloaded the rpm or the source. I'm assuming the rpm. Once you've grabbed it you have to install it. I'm not sure what the yast online update thing does exactly (thats one of the reason why I think tools like that suck, they're supposed to do everything for you and when the don't your stuck since you don't know what it's just done).

The best way to install nvidia drivers is to go to www.nvidia.com and download the latest source and install it via the source. The instructions on the nvidia site are dead easy to follow :)
Originally posted by Mpemba Effect

The best way to install nvidia drivers is to go to www.nvidia.com and download the latest source and install it via the source. The instructions on the nvidia site are dead easy to follow :)

If you want fully working 3D acceleration (and decent 2D speed) then I suggest doing the same thing. Go to Nvidia's website and get the latest source (or rpm if you prefer it) then install it. In my experience source is normally better.
run 3ddiag , if it reports missing glx glide libraries or similar(cant remember exactly) get the rpm version of NVIDIA_GLX-ur version.rpm for ur distro,the one that matches the kernel u have already tried to install , exit x ,login to console as root, then
rpm -ivh NVIDIA_GLX-ur version.rpm

dont know why but this is the only way i could get my gf 4 ti4200 to work on suse

Went to Nvidia site, downloaded the GLX and Kernel RPM's. Installed via Yast, and voila! One dead penguin. Reinstalling at the moment.

I have had to reinstall every day this week because I cannot get the Nvidia drivers working properly, and they stop me from booting properly.

The so called safe mode in Linux sucks - I was expecting a Windows style safe mode, not a command line :(

Thanks to everyone that's offered advice so far - I'll stick with it.
first thing to do m8 is

when installing suse make sure u select the sources for the kernel.

1)get linux working without 3d support.

note:get all updates (including nvidia ones)before installing new drivers.

2)IMPORTANT: copy /etc/X11/XF86Config to /etc/X11/XF86Config.bak.

3)install ur new nvidia drivers, the tar files.

4)run sax2 change gf driver to nvidia, select load glx, then select ur monitor making sure the vertical and horizontal syncs are valid for ur monitor, select 800x600@75Hz to start with.

if it fails and puts u back to kde

5a)run 3ddiag and post what it says here.

if it puts u to a black screen with white text(command line)

5b)press alt+f1 - f5(or ctrl instead of alt cant remeber) login as root, cd to /etc/X11/ and type this
mv XF86Config.bak XF86Config
then type "logout" and reboot, this should bring u back to kde with ur old settings without 3d support.

i know what ur going through dude i had the same probs took me about 1.5 weeks before i could get them working.post the errors ur getting after if any

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