3D House Model

I've made housing interiors before but with 3dsmax for use in game engines instead. It's probably not as friendly to use as Sketch-up, everything has to be made from base primitives or some other geometry source. So you start with a box for you room and go from there by extruding faces, beveling edges, creating curves or even getting nitty gritty and manually moving vertices around.
I've made housing interiors before but with 3dsmax for use in game engines instead. It's probably not as friendly to use as Sketch-up, everything has to be made from base primitives or some other geometry source. So you start with a box for you room and go from there by extruding faces, beveling edges, creating curves or even getting nitty gritty and manually moving vertices around.

The best combination here is to build up all the basics in Sketchup, and then export the model, open it in 3DS max and detail it up.

The thing I dislike the most about 3DS max is the awkwardness of creating models that are to scale.

I like my models to be millimetre accurate, and Sketchup facilitates this much better than any other software (I'm pretending Solidworks et al don't exist). So this is what I like to do.

As well as the accuracy advantages, Sketchup is also a lot quicker with creating primitives.
Yes, I'd imagine Sketch-up is better suited for this since it's more CAD like with precise coordinates whereas 3dsmax is more free flowing better suited for obscure shapes where precision isn't important. It's possible to do if you have the patience.
sketchup is ideal for this, you just need to think about how you are building the model - and try to make things components to make it easy to edit/manipulate the model as you go along, if everything is just drawn in place and not grouped into components it will be a pain in the elkie to do anything with

(google don't own it any more - it's a company called trimble, but it still seems to be available for free)
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