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3d mark 06

1 Jan 2007
hi all not sure if this in the correct section but here i go anyways i have just upgraded from an e6300 to a q6600 i have got a gigabyte ds3 m/b 8800 gts 3g/b ram now the problem i have is that my score for 3d mark 06 hasnt changed in the slightest is this because 06 dosent support quad cores or is my system not setup properly some how as i could actually get a higher score with my dual core when o/c as i managed to get my e6300 to 3.01 ghz any help would be appreciated
22 Jun 2005
Westbury, Wiltshire
dbappa said:
3DMark 06 is more GPU dependent. Yes your 6300 will score higher if its @ 3Ghz and your Q6600 is at stock.

When I ran 3dmark06 with my e6600 @ 3.6ghz I got this and scored 10199: -

SM 2.0 Score 4448 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 4251 Marks

CPU Score 3018 Marks

When I ran my QX6700 @ 3.4ghz I got this and scored 12096: -

SM 2.0 Score 4871 Marks

SM 3.0 Score 4674 Marks

CPU Score 5249 Marks

Some of the score difference was due to a different GPU, but the CPU scores were very different. Check some of the old results and look at the CPU score, there should be a difference.
1 Jan 2007
well there is now but not as big as yours with my [email protected] i got around 8500 marks with my q6600 @2.4 got 8300 marks have just o/c the q6600 to 2.97 ghz now got a score of 9529 marks which is quite a way short of your score my m/b is a ds3 and also have a 8800gts g/card might try o/c the gcard c if that gets me over 10000
22 Jun 2005
Westbury, Wiltshire
nalla said:
well there is now but not as big as yours with my [email protected] i got around 8500 marks with my q6600 @2.4 got 8300 marks have just o/c the q6600 to 2.97 ghz now got a score of 9529 marks which is quite a way short of your score my m/b is a ds3 and also have a 8800gts g/card might try o/c the gcard c if that gets me over 10000

Overclock the GPU to 600/2000 and the CPU to 3.2ghz - That'll take you nearer 11000 ! :)
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