3D Prints Gallery

Another stunning model by Chelsey Kearney this time Kong available https://thangs.com/ I had already printed Godzilla by Garrett Kearney (ChaosCoreTech). Printed at 50% scale on my Klipperized Prusa MK2.5S at 0.15 layer height & in FILOALFA Grafylon PLA.

Potato phone camera pictures.

I like that :)

I am making the Razor Crest.
It will take me a week or two :(


19"+ by 16" + getting there.
I saw lulzbot3D post their make of the Tentacle Hook by BiduMadio on thingiverse (thing:4822459) and I just had to print it. I love weird things like this . Printed on my modified ET4 with faberdasher village green and 3DFilaPrint black 3.00mm PLA.

A tiny Raspberry Pi N64 case I printed, in Cardiff Blues colours and with Blues logo on the front, running Retropie



A rugby tee to display my signed Challenge Cup ball, complete with THAT date when a Welsh club / region actually won something! Once in a lifetime etc etc :cry:


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