3Ds Max Help!!!

messiah khan said:
Maybe so, but have you tried Hyperboolean... its even worse than the inbuilt one.. more features, but it destroys the geometry. I only use booleans when absolutely necessary, and even then I spend ages manually sorting out the geometry.

As most of my work relies on the lowest possible polygon count I refuse to use booleans as I would spend more time sorting it than doing it myself. I'm not too clever with them :p.
messiah khan said:
Make sure you turn shadows on in the light settings. Also i'd advise to stay away from thge boolean function as it creates some horrible geometry. You'd be better off making the window using the cut and extrude tools if possible

So how would I have hollowed out the original block without using the boolean function.
therubble said:
So how would I have hollowed out the original block without using the boolean function.

Im not quite sure where you have used the boolean function, but to create hollowed out shapes, I would use a combination of the cut tool, the inset tool, then use the extrude tool to extrude the shape inwards. Then go into vertex mode and adjust the geometry. If you want the inside of a shape to completely follow he outside, try experimenting with the shell modifier. Im perfectly happy answering any questions you have, so please don't be afraid to ask more. But do also have a look at max's help guide, which I consider to be one of the best help guides built in to any program.
messiah khan said:
Im not quite sure where you have used the boolean function, but to create hollowed out shapes, I would use a combination of the cut tool, the inset tool, then use the extrude tool to extrude the shape inwards. Then go into vertex mode and adjust the geometry. If you want the inside of a shape to completely follow he outside, try experimenting with the shell modifier. Im perfectly happy answering any questions you have, so please don't be afraid to ask more. But do also have a look at max's help guide, which I consider to be one of the best help guides built in to any program.

Basically I had a box which was the main area, using another box i used the boolean modifier to take the inner box from the outer, hence creating a open space inside the box. From there I made another box the same size as the window and then extracted that one from the main cube in order the create the window. I'll look into the cut and inset functions.
Is there a way to reset the perspective view to the original angle, and does anyone know the shortcut key for paning the persective window?
Click and hold the mouse wheel click to pan, mouse wheel up and down to zoom(Control+alt+mouse up and down to zoom smoother), alt+Mouse wheel click to rotate. I think that about covers movement.
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