3GS vs 3G Battery?

I've done it. I went out and get the 3GS. So much faster than the 3G. I'm very happy and glad I went for it.

Thanks everyone
Can I clarify what people mean when they say "when GPS is on... ". Do they mean they have Location services enabled?

As far as I'm aware there isn't an option to actually enable/disable GPS alone, is there?

Cheers, Paul.
Isn't location services just to put a stop to apps asking to use your location?

Not sure if the GPS is permanently on or anything, I would assume it isn't.
The battery no longer bothers me. When I'm in work I sync it everyday to get calendar etc. up to date. So it's charged then.

The AC adaptor charges the device in <30 mins so it's a total non issue for me.

Having said this, my mate's 3G won't last the whole day. But he does make a lot of calls.
I'm at 5 hours of usage at the moment (mostly WiFi based internet browsing) and 25 hours of standby, down at 31% battery which I think is quite impressive!

I disable 3G though as that increases the battery loads, it takes a lot of juice even when not being used. I rarely require 3G when out as EDGE is fast enough for the Twitter and Facebook app, if I have a moment to sit down and do some Safari browsing I whack on 3G or WiFi for a bit then turn them both off.

The battery increase is totally worth the small hassle of going into the settings to enable them.
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Good thanks, been a bit out of the loop with various things for the last few months really but life's treating me well! I'm amazed anybody noticed my absence!:D

Gah. Forgot which thread I posted in!

A few people noticed your absence. (More popular than you think :D)

How's the job going? I have been hearing that quite a few ccie's are having trouble employment-wise.
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