3km from exchange....

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved

What kind of speeds can I expect from a 3km distance to the local exchnage server?

I'm currently on virgin media....4Mbit

They reckon 3km from exchnage will only give me 1mbit speeds, is this right?
Something between nothing and full rate. That's about as accurate as it gets.

As a rule of thumb, the loop length is roughly equal to straight line distance * 2^0.5, so 3km in a straight line = ~4.2km so at least a 40dB attenuation, which would put you very close to the 42dB limit for fixed rate 1Mbps.
But that's an extremely rough approximation.
Thanks, and I've decided to stick with Virgin as I called them they offered me the 10mib connection and the XL TV package and the XL phone with 200free peak minutes to landline/mobiles all £47 per month.

I am just over 2km straight line with 41/42db and hold 4meg, i would stop where you are tbfh, mine direct of router.

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream
Connection Speed 5728 kbps 832 kbps
Line Attenuation 42 db 12 db
Noise Margin 15 db 13 db
Depending on line quality and devices creating noise (ie lights etc) you could probably achieve upto 6megs.
My old house was 3.5km from the exchange and was able to sync at 8meg during the day but due to night time noise I was only stable at 6meg.
Ace Modder said:
Thanks, and I've decided to stick with Virgin as I called them they offered me the 10mib connection and the XL TV package and the XL phone with 200free peak minutes to landline/mobiles all £47 per month.
Congratulations, a lot of people getting fantastic deals from Virgin lately. Myself included. :)

Seems they are really willing to fight to keep their customers.
Ulfhedjinn said:
Congratulations, a lot of people getting fantastic deals from Virgin lately. Myself included. :)

Seems they are really willing to fight to keep their customers.

Not really a fight though, is it? :) Call up, ask them what offers they've got on, and there you go..

As for the OP.. I would NOT change from cable to ADSL if I were you.. I am currently on 10mb Virgin (£17.50/m), but unfortunately due to moving house to a non cabled area I have to cancel my Virgin BB, and if Im lucky I'll get ADSL (too far from the exchange apperently).
Scope said:
Not really a fight though, is it? :) Call up, ask them what offers they've got on, and there you go...
We use Virgin for our phone and broadband, but we use Sky for our satellite television. Compared to Virgin, getting a deal out of Sky is like trying to squeeze blood out of a stone, and they have a lot less to lose so Virgin are much more willing to give in to customers.

Personally, as much as Virgin annoy me, I have to say they are definitely willing to fight to keep customers. :)
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