Looking to get my first bike in a few weeks, hopefully a kawasaki ER6-F.
first quote from bennets is £1069 fully comp and £427 third party, fire & Theft.
for a bike is it worth getting fully comp? the way i see it is if i do enough damage to someone elses car i'm going to be to injured to ride my bike anyway so won't need them to pay.
I'm hoping i don't crash especially as my main trip will be 3 miles to work and 3 miles back.... with the odd weekend ride.
Looking to get my first bike in a few weeks, hopefully a kawasaki ER6-F.
first quote from bennets is £1069 fully comp and £427 third party, fire & Theft.
for a bike is it worth getting fully comp? the way i see it is if i do enough damage to someone elses car i'm going to be to injured to ride my bike anyway so won't need them to pay.
I'm hoping i don't crash especially as my main trip will be 3 miles to work and 3 miles back.... with the odd weekend ride.