3rd party ect. or fully comp

6 Sep 2008
Near Hull
Looking to get my first bike in a few weeks, hopefully a kawasaki ER6-F.
first quote from bennets is £1069 fully comp and £427 third party, fire & Theft.
for a bike is it worth getting fully comp? the way i see it is if i do enough damage to someone elses car i'm going to be to injured to ride my bike anyway so won't need them to pay.
I'm hoping i don't crash especially as my main trip will be 3 miles to work and 3 miles back.... with the odd weekend ride.
How much are you spending on your bike I suppose is the question. Bikes with fairings can be expensive to repair, so fully comp may be a better idea. But if your bike isn't worth loads, or if parts are common enough to buy say on eBay or something, may be worth just getting TPF&T.

Got to remember not all crashes will involve other parties, you may just bin it and do no damage to yourself, but end up cracking all of your fairing and what not, and that can be a costly repair.

Fully comp will only cover damage to your own bike/kit if you're the one to blame.

I'm sorry about this poorly constructed post, I'm knackered and can't sting a full post together lol.
the bike i'm currently looking at is £3299. i know it can be costly, my dad hit a rabbit on his zx6r and that was £800 for the fairings/tank ect.

i think the thing that's got me thinking about which to choose it the doubling of the price.
like every thing it's risk vs reward.

I for example have been happy to run around on tpf&t for the last ten years or so, even on nearly new bikes last bike was 18 months old when I bought it and cost 5k, it has saved me money wise 200-300 pounds a year, how ever just to drop it once could clear that "saving" out in one go. do you risk it, or do you not, ony you know your risk stratergy of life.

I just bought an 08 z750 as a first bike @ 26. Fully comp is not far off a grand but TPFT is around 450 so I'm going to risk it for a year until i get some NCB and then look at fully comp later on.

Get some crash protectors and be safe :)
What is the excess if you go fully comp? If it's your first quote then you need to do some more shopping around anyway. It's worth using the online comparision sites just to get an idea of who's likely to be cheapest before calling them direct. Don't use your real phone number/email address though.
Im getting similar quotes, £800 for fully comp, £400 for 3rd party F+T but its only £250 for 3rd party. This is on a 2004 Honda Hornet. I might go 3rd part if i can store it in the shed at night and can convince the insurers that its a garage.

This is with Hastings bike team.

EDIT: They beat their Fully Comp quote by £160, its now at £640
Similar boat to you, 23 with no experience and will be looking to do my test soon. Getting near identical sums through comparison sites (£426 TP F+T), I'll more than likely be going for that as I won't be buying anything new or particularly expensive.
I have been TPFT for almost 2 years on my current Ducati 748, but when this policy finishes I will be going to fully comp as I will have 2 years no claims.

Did a quote last night, and it will cost me £396 for fully comp now, where as I pay £420 at the moment for a years TPFT.

Hopefully it will go down a lot more.

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