4 x8gb or 2x16gb

intel memory controller for the win....
other than lovely RGB is there a benefit from having 4 sticks. im running a corsair lighting kit because 4 dose look better

If there is, I don't know about it.

Just wanted to fill all the slots.

It was actually cheaper to buy 2x16 than 4x8!

I've decided my days of messing with PC overclocks are over, I just want to turn the thing on and use it!

Just did a minimal OC on the CPU, set the vcore to 1.2v, the clocks to run.5.1/4 100‰ and leave it at that.

Even unvervolted the 3080 Ti to 0.9v/1950

Everything runs sweet as a nut and cool as a cucumber.

You can see the idle temps on the AIO, green for Nvidia, blue for Intel. :p
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