40% off Threshers!!!!

15 Dec 2005

Just print the form off, and go shop!

Hugh MacLeod - cartoonist extraordinaire, bespoke tailoring champion and, latterly, viral marketer for Stormhoek wine - has started talking about something that could get quite big quite quickly.

No need for that booze cruise to Calais before Christmas as you can get a 40 percent discount on all purchases of wine and champagne from Thresher outlets in the UK between November 30 and December 10.

That’s a pretty significant cost saving on the price of wine in this country - outrageously expensive compared to most other European countries because of high taxes.

Discounting product like this is not new and this is hardly a story to get anyone excited about (well, setting aside the nice cost savings).

What makes it interesting is that Thresher is not advertising this offer anywhere. As Hugh explains, no in-store promotions, no advertising. Only the coupon that you can get via blog posts like Hugh’s, mine and others who write about it.

So go ahead, download the coupon. Print it out. Read the small print just so you’re wholly clear on the deal.

Then tell your friends. If you write a blog, blog it as well.

Lets’ see if a combination of a hefty discount on wine and lots of word-of-mouth commentary make a difference to anything.

And don’t forget to head down to your local Thresher store between November 30 and December 10.
It's been all over the internet the past 2 days.

It's legit as far as I've heard, dunno if threshers were counting on internet wildfire though, you'd think they'd be set to lose a lot of money...
no, it works, I just did it.

However, Threshers are a good bit dearer than ASDA so look into what you are going to buy first. For me it made sense though

e.g. Sangre del torres 750ml

ASDA £5.98

Thresher £6.99

Thresher 3 for 2 offer equivalent price £4.66

Thresher 40% voucher price £4.19
My better half works part time at Threshers.

When they do the buy 2 get 1 bottle free offers they put the prices up so they don't lose out on much.

They are also awful to work for and have no respect for there staff or management. Some stores are being franchised which is a sign that they are slowly going down the pan.

I give them 2 years until they are gone, unless they go for the bargain booze approach by selling things cheaper in large quantities.
def real. my gf's dad is a store manager and was telling me about it, no catch or anything as far as i can see. weird they're not advertising it though as surely that is what a promotion is for?
-Laser- said:
def real. my gf's dad is a store manager and was telling me about it, no catch or anything as far as i can see. weird they're not advertising it though as surely that is what a promotion is for?
It was featured on the BBC news this lunchtime. Apparently Threshers never intended the vouchers for use by the general public, they were only meant for a very small and select audience. But they have said that they will honour any of them that are used. The news said that they will probably still make a profit even with the 40% discount due to their mark-ups.
lofz said:
Some stores are being franchised which is a sign that they are slowly going down the pan.

Lots of big companies offer out franchise opportunities, don't see why it would be a sign that their going under.
If the offer was for beer/spirits I'd defo do it. But as it's for wine, which is cheaper in Tesco, I CBB :p
No biggie...Cleverish marketing.

33% off in most places with 3 for 2 or the like..Add the fact they are more expensive than most places to start with & it doesn't look quite so appealing.
Check prices with Tesco and Sainsburys first, both have got 25% off on atm, so some items may be cheaper. Thanks for the coupon from threshers though, will have to check it out.
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