43"-48" TV - £600 budget

Ended up buying the Sony 50" 755C in the end. Preferred the PQ when I compared them in store, liked some of the android features/apps (work really quite well for the most part imo) and the extra 2" over the 48 is a nice little bonus. Only fault I can find is some backlight bleed at the bottom area of the screen when it's completely black as shown in the links below:

Backlight at 9 (normal viewing for me)
Backlight Max

Bit annoying, but from what I can tell it's fairly common with these models, particularly edge-lit panels in general. Not sure it's worth bothering with a return? Especially when I could get one that's much worse...
After spending what felt like hours playing with the Sony and Panasonic TVs in john Lewis (I discounted Samsung as I had concerns over quality control but the demo pictures were amazing)....I ended up going for the Panasonic 50cx802. The Sony appeared to show artefacts on general viewing and I feel the 802 edged it over the 680 for Panasonic. John Lewis price matched the 802 for me and I managed to get the £150 trade in deal too. Should end up at £1150 for what was a £1800 TV and one which gets rave reviews.

Just got to wait for delivery now :-)
I purchased a KDL-43w807c a couple of weeks ago now and I'm still messing with the settings. It has the 800hz am I right in thinking this is a 100hz panel?
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