Are those the max you reccomend on air cooling 8 Pack? If so ill give them a try.This is my recomended.
Cache 1.2 - 1.35 For 42 Uncore 1.25 shoudl be fine.
SA 1.2
IOD 1.2
IOA 1.2
PCH 1.2
Nothing at 2.25v etc etc thats an LN2 setting!!!
Agree virus, the different terms for settings can be confusing. Im used to asus boards and their bios going back to c2d/q days. But tbh im still a bit of a noob when it comes to overclocking memory. Tbh, at stock 1600mhz with tight timings and 42x uncore, this chip is rock solid in bf3 at 4.5ghz. But i love to tweak, and tbh stock speed on any component is wrong. Stock dont rock.