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'4770k + Z87' v 'Ivy Bridge-E + X89' for mega gaming build

Yes it look's like the 4960K is not so hot, l'll see how things go later on this year when l come to upgrade and decide them.:(

Yeah when you look at the 4770K and the prices for mobo's VS Extreme CPU's and mobo prices, is it worth the premium? Your talking over twice the price for not a great deal more performance, in some cases less performance, not to mention more power use etc.

Extreme CPU's now are only really for benchers, as it seems generally for gaming and PC work, especially a lot of software isn't optimized for more than 2-4 cores, the mainstream chips are better.

It looks like Intel are about to change things in the future though by making the xtreme chips have the latest die shrink along with new arch like the mainstream, because atm having mainstream chips 1-2 years ahead of the extreme high end just doesn't make sense..

My 3960X was £500, the 4770K is half the price, better performance in a lot of things and uses less power, to me that's a no brainer situation.. Goodbye 3960X, hello 4770K.

Thing will change up a bit next year, as it seems Intel may delay 14nm for mainstream so that Broadwell '22nm' will release in the same year as Haswell -E '22nm'. This will mean better parity for Mainstream VS High end. '8 core Haswell -E with DDR4' May well be worth the premium price VS a '4 core DDR3' based system, but atm 4770K seems best option...

For benchers though, you just want the best. Price conscientiousness not a focus lol..
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