Hi all,
I'm patiently awaiting the Ampere 3080 TI with baited breath on September 17th (fingers crossed and rumour based).
That said, I have an older 1070 8gb at the moment. With an i7 quad core.
I'm looking at the AMD Ryzen 16 core, with a new mobo and cooling, plus well paired RAM.
My query is that if I was to upgrade my CPU and everything else around the 1070 whilst I wait. Will I see much of an fps improvement or should I wait still...
Whilst I also caught rumours about the new Ryzen 4000 series potentially releasing in Oct, but they seem to be less watt dependent and so higher clocks, with no real thread gains.
I have the ROG 4k 144hz monitor, but its useless (30 fps, at best) until I have more CPU and GPU power.
Appreciate the advice. Silky 4k frames being the main objective. If not the 144 hz, the closest I can get to it.
I'm patiently awaiting the Ampere 3080 TI with baited breath on September 17th (fingers crossed and rumour based).
That said, I have an older 1070 8gb at the moment. With an i7 quad core.
I'm looking at the AMD Ryzen 16 core, with a new mobo and cooling, plus well paired RAM.
My query is that if I was to upgrade my CPU and everything else around the 1070 whilst I wait. Will I see much of an fps improvement or should I wait still...
Whilst I also caught rumours about the new Ryzen 4000 series potentially releasing in Oct, but they seem to be less watt dependent and so higher clocks, with no real thread gains.
I have the ROG 4k 144hz monitor, but its useless (30 fps, at best) until I have more CPU and GPU power.
Appreciate the advice. Silky 4k frames being the main objective. If not the 144 hz, the closest I can get to it.