4K TV?

Im not sure exactly why or how but it's documented often. Understandably watching 1080p content on a 1080p screen will look better than on a 4k screen.

Not entirely true.

The processing and upscaling of some 4k sets makes 1080p videos look amazing. I've just bought a LG55uf860v and running blurays on it gives a much much better picture than on my 1080p tele. Admittedly the 1080p screen is a few years old (2012) but the new sets really do a very good job at upscaling to 4k

It does look stunning.

Amazing TV by the way and fully recommended if after a set for under the £1000 mark. Very similar features and comparable picture quality to the samsung 8500 which is £1600 and is classed as being one of the best screens you can get.

Excluding OLED. Which does annoyingly give an obscene picture that wipes the floor with any other TV. And I say annoyingly as I cant afford one :P
of course the colors and blacks were better on OLED it's miles better than LED. 4K IMHO really is not going to be worth while until the good panels aren't like £6500. Until then my tv is still blowing me away with quality.

That guy is just talking about his video camera and adobe.

I can tell the difference between 1080p and UHD 10bit on my new UHD TV.
But at the end of the day a person buys what he\she likes the most.
I must be blind cos the blacks on my 55cx680b look very BLACK, how much better can oled make them?

You are. Mainly due to you don't know what you're looking for.

Out of the box.
Black level 0.05 cd/m2
Contrast ratio 4140:1

Black level 0.03 cd/m2
Contrast ratio 4467:1

While it is really good for LED, OLED contrast ratio can be close to a million to 1. Some equipment it doesn't even register.

OLED is 0 blacks. OLED produces no glow and not counting panel shutdown when it sees 0,0,0 black like most LEDs. Even most text credits the only thing that would light up is text on OLED.

You can see the glow in one of the pictures. http://flatpanelshd.com/review.php?subaction=showfull&id=1432025534

OLED black is exactly like having the TV off.
OLED whilst often very good, isn't perfect (yet). Just look on avforums to see some of the issues.
Hopefully over time its cost will reduce and the technology should improve year on year.

Although some of the new ULED/SUHD sets with quantum dot/FALD also have very good pictures and great blacks.

Interesting times :)
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