50 (100 Now!) CS:GO BETA Keys To Giveaway!

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OcUK Staff
12 Apr 2008
Some of you may have missed out here:


We gave away 55 codes above, however I have another 50 to give away. It is a bit more difficult now to get these 50.

You need to spell out "OcUK FTW!" or "Overclockers UK FTW!" however the rule is you are not allowed to use a pen or pencil, etc. You have to be creative (use objects), and then post a picture here! The picture has to be taken on a camera, and no photoshop/editing is allowed!

The first genuine 50, will get a CS:GO BETA key! Good luck all! :)

If you entered in the thread above, you are not entitled to another, it is 1 per forum user to be fair!


To appreciate this competition please don't thank me, thank VALVe, they were the guys who gave me the codes to pass on to you guys!

Thank you VALVe we <3 you. :)

Post your love directly to them here!


Please comment on my starting post so the Facebook wall is not spammed with rubbish. :)
Closest things to hand


Perfect, this is our first winner, another 49 to go! :)

I shall give away the keys as soon as we hit 50 entries.
Fantastic entries all, remember this will go to the first 100 people, so if it goes over and you are a bit late you will miss out unfortunately!
If your trust was not set up, I will know. Send me a message in Trust saying you have not got the code and you will get your code. Everyone with Trust set up should have a code. :)
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(If you entered a while back and not got a code still, Trust me with a link to your post please. Thanks!)
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