I put a noctua side fan on, the fan itself I think might be faulty, on standard or higher mode it is mega noisy, sounds normal in silent mode tho.
Not yet tested with a game loaded but with panel on, and some cpu load the nand is 38-39C and controller 45-48C. Ambient temp is 3C down tho from yesterday.
In game is 42-43C nand and 50-53C controller, very nice improvement, fan is only in silent mode low RPMs under 500.
The cpu and gpu havent really benefited much from the fan but the m.2 seems hugely affected.
Only issue of concern left is on every shutdown the "unsafe shutdown" counter increments. No idea why as I am doing orderly shutdowns, but usually my pc is on 24/7, the only other planned shutdown now is for when I get my new UPS.