50 Worst Game Names Ever


Irritating Stick 1
And we have a winner. Please pass the ointment.

Platform : Playstation
Publisher : Jaleco
Year : 1999

While it's refreshingly honest that the game actually tells you that it's irritating before you buy it, as a name, it's terrible. It's so bad, in fact, that we bought a copy about five years ago and haven't opened it because we don't want to. Because it's irritating.

FerociouS said:
Bad Dudes Vs Dragon Ninja, lol
I bought the game for Amstrad 6128 disk drive (as opposed to tape). I dont find anything particularly "worse" about this title, just goes along with Shinobi, Shadow Warriors, Pit fighter (all arcade beat-em-ups converted to home pc).
I'm going to mod that Irritating Stick into Oblivion. Takes one hit point evey 10 sucessful hits.

Edit: On a side note, I thought "Um Jammer Lammy" was a really cool name!
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