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5820k 4.5 vs 4.7 6700k

IMO no, its what 10% faster, is the 5820k holding you back, do you need that 10%? is it worth the money?
Wouldn't be in a rush to do that upgrade - unless you can do it with minimal net money spent and don't need the extra cores.
No point tbh, I recently moved over from a 4790k at 4.7ghz to a 5820k at 4.5ghz. On games there's zero difference, a 4790k at that speed is similair to a 6700k at 4.5ghz. The 5820k though runs a lot cooler than the 4790k did. Also, the extra cores may come in handy in future.
No, of the two options presented, keep the 5820k, we finally have properly multi-threaded games coming over the next 12 months so the 5820 will start to shine compared with the 6700k
In multi threaded applications your 5820k will be much faster than a 6700k at similar clocks.

In fact even with both at stock clocks the 5820k will be a decent bit faster in multi threaded stuff.

Single threaded stuff, yes the 6700k might be about 5% faster clock for clock but i hardly think that is worth it.

If anything what your are thinking of doing will be a downgrade.

Why not swap out to a Broadwell E 8 core next year - Rumours says the Extreme version will be a 10 core chip so there will be an 8 core at the current 5930k price point. That is what i am planning on doing anyway. You can keep the same set up, and just swap the cpu. Probably wouldnt even cost you much if you sell the 5820k afterwards. I am going to keep my new 5820k for a year or so then look out for a good deal on this rumoured 8 core broadwell chip.
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5820k @4.5 anypoint upgrading to 6700k? for gaming

No you would have to be mad to think that a 6700k, which will clock to circa 4.7ghz, is an 'upgrade'. Skylake vs haswell-e in gaming at the same clocks per core is not 10% difference nor even 5% for that matter.

With both cpu's overclocked (with around a 200mhz difference on favour of the 6709k) they trade blows with each other where the 6700k excels and the 5820k thrashes the 6700k where it excels....
I've looked at multiple benchmarks and the majority show a negligable difference.. but then you have the Digital Foundry results and a couple of others showing a 10+ fps boost in a few games with the 6700k on the min fps.

Does that mean those games just like the newer CPU? They can't be bottlenecked by a Haswell chip surely, so the min fps would still get a big boost by upgrading to a newer GPU in the future right?

Don't know if it's worth it tbh, results are very mixed so who do you take seriously.
i've had the 2500k,2600k,3570,4770k,4790k,4690k,5820k

i'm so bored. nothing between the i7's. Guess it's about time i stuck with a build for more then 7 months =(
i've had the 2500k,2600k,3570,4770k,4790k,4690k,5820k

i'm so bored. nothing between the i7's. Guess it's about time i stuck with a build for more then 7 months =(
Lol, sounds a bit like myself. Since X58 alone, (of which i had two, and still keep one) in just under 3 years ive been through the following.

i5 3570k
i7 3770k
i7 4770k
x2 17 4790k
i7 5820k

Ive made a promise that this one will last me a while.:)
Lol, sounds a bit like myself. Since X58 alone, (of which i had two, and still keep one) in just under 3 years ive been through the following.

i5 3570k
i7 3770k
i7 4770k
x2 17 4790k
i7 5820k

Ive made a promise that this one will last me a while.:)

haha :). I bet we're both on skylake kaby lake within a year....
Downgrade if anything.

Wow! You could have saved yourself some serious money and stuck with the 2500k! How much difference would you have noticed, I wonder? Stop worrying about it, and focus on using the software a bit more. For general enthusiasts, Cpus only need upgrading every 2-4 years. Gpus 1-3 years.
well I have just ordered (for friday delivery) the 6700k with 16GB 3200+ ram and the asus ROG maximus mobo for myself as my Xmas present

with this in place I will also be able to pass down some of my existing kit to my parents and set them up with a SSD etc that will be a big boost to them as well.

I work at a college and have recently had a long earned promotion so the extra cash is not a problem for me :)

We also are lucky this time of year as the sites do completely close for a full 2 weeks from friday, so happy times to rebuild and overclock!

Being honest I have a 3570k 4.5Ghz and I still see no reason to upgrade let alone anything higher than this.

Keep your money, wait for a real upgrade and hope Zen boosts the competition again.
Downgrade if anything.

Wow! You could have saved yourself some serious money and stuck with the 2500k! How much difference would you have noticed, I wonder? Stop worrying about it, and focus on using the software a bit more. For general enthusiasts, Cpus only need upgrading every 2-4 years. Gpus 1-3 years.

This totally depends on what he is using it for. In some applications a 5820k will be a HUGE amount faster than a 2500k
Being honest I have a 3570k 4.5Ghz and I still see no reason to upgrade let alone anything higher than this.

Keep your money, wait for a real upgrade and hope Zen boosts the competition again.

I could have stuck with my i5 3570K and still been happy that I was getting good performance from my system. I wilted though and bought a 5820K bundle and I have seen a benefit for example where FO4 usually bogs down in the Boston buildings. The rest of the time though I wouldn't know the difference the systems as they both peg at my chosen 75 fps limit.

5820K @ 4.25GHz. 3570K @ 4.4 GHz.

As already mentioned in benchmarks currently the latest crop of high ends CPUs mostly perform similarly in games. So I've put my money on possible multicore benefits over the coming months.
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I could have stuck with my i5 3570K and still been happy that I was getting good performance from my system. I wilted though and bought a 5820K bundle and I have seen a benefit for example where FO4 usually bogs down in the Boston buildings. The rest of the time though I wouldn't know the difference the systems as they both peg at my chosen 75 fps limit.

5820K @ 4.25GHz. 3570K @ 4.4 GHz.

As already mentioned in benchmarks currently the latest crop of high ends CPUs mostly perform similarly in games. So I've put my money on possible multicore benefits over the coming months.

Thanks for the information. It seems I have made the right decision to stick with this. When the time comes I am sure there will be a reason to upgrade but I don't see that happening until at least Zen gets here, hopefully that'll shake things up.
No it isn't. Downgrade gaming wise if anything. Aswell as a loss of the 4 threads for multi tasking. Most games use 4 cores fully. But this doesn't mean the other 2 don't get used. And yes they do make a difference.

Clock for clock 4 cores vs 4 cores the 6700k is about 5% faster if that, you probably wouldn't notice it in game. Not what I call a worthy upgrade.
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I am still on a 2600K @ 4.5Ghz. I don't see anything out at the moment worth shelling out money on for gaming.
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