Never, ever, ever pre-order consumer electronics. Almost every pre-order I ever attempted (both here and elsewhere) has been horribly delayed.
I doubt 5850's will be widely available within the next month or so. You could pre-order here, see them come into stock elsewhere and miss-out. Likewise you can pre-order elsewhere and see them appear here first. Pre-ordering is a gamble, and IMO you are better off keeping your eyes peeled for when they do actually appear in stock.
That bit doesn't bother me. But we have actually been told these are 100% confirmed coming in today, so either they come in today, or we have been misled.
As the card isn't exactly available elsewhere we have to put up with it, but its still annoying. If they don't arrive today, then why have they not told us earlier (they were supposed to be shipped to OCuK on Monday)?