5GHZ 6700K

NIce chip...I need 1.488V for 5 GHz with my best chip 6700Ks...I tested 6 pieces of 6700K and two of 6600K.
The best 5 GHz at aircooling, two of them 4900 MHz Cinebenchs stable, one 4700 MHz, one 46xx Mhz as max and one chip was corupted, worked only in BIOS at stock clocks :), in OS BSODS or never get to Win loading :)
6600K both 4700 MHz stable.

Yeah I think I just got very lucky with my cpu. The only reason I tried obtaining 5GHZ was to see how my silicon lottery was to be honest. Currently running 4.8GHZ and not planning on going any higher.

I have recently found out that streaming, webcam and playing bf4 and doing a virus scan and listening to youtube music brings the cpu to it's knees my fps drop to 35-40. If I run a 4.9GHZ would it makes a difference? I doubt...Should I stick with my cpu or go for 5960x? Or should I wait for the skylake- or see what the AMD zen brings to the table?
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You definitely need more cores though why would you run a virus scan while gaming? ;) You are one of the people that would have been better off going with X99 and a 5820k.

lol, well I have only recently started to stream. It's normally been fine streaming and playing and listening to music and running msi afterburner, cpu usage hits about 78% but a few days it has reached 90-100% and I got the frame drops, after investigating I found out it was due to my anti-virus doing a system scan in the background. I don't want to spend anymore money, I have just recently upgraded to 6700k :s
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