NIce chip...I need 1.488V for 5 GHz with my best chip 6700Ks...I tested 6 pieces of 6700K and two of 6600K.
The best 5 GHz at aircooling, two of them 4900 MHz Cinebenchs stable, one 4700 MHz, one 46xx Mhz as max and one chip was corupted, worked only in BIOS at stock clocks, in OS BSODS or never get to Win loading
6600K both 4700 MHz stable.
Yeah I think I just got very lucky with my cpu. The only reason I tried obtaining 5GHZ was to see how my silicon lottery was to be honest. Currently running 4.8GHZ and not planning on going any higher.
I have recently found out that streaming, webcam and playing bf4 and doing a virus scan and listening to youtube music brings the cpu to it's knees my fps drop to 35-40. If I run a 4.9GHZ would it makes a difference? I doubt...Should I stick with my cpu or go for 5960x? Or should I wait for the skylake- or see what the AMD zen brings to the table?
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