5GHZ 6700K

AFAIK for Skylake 1.35v is the max if you are worried about prematurely shortening CPU lifespan and 1.45v absolute max for where it "should" work as intended but you will shorten the lifespan of the CPU by a non-negligible amount and/or could run into other issues (though how much will depend on a lot of factors).

Generally Intel CPUs can take a fair beating core voltage wise its some of the other voltages, especially VTT, that seem to kill them when set too high especially when combined with insufficient cooling.

1.4V is fine for Skylake, as confirmed by Asus and other reputable vendors.

Remember the voltages changed for Skylake - the CPU core voltage is less than indicated, due to the cache sharing the voltage I think.

Having said that, I settled on a 24/7 clock of 4.8Ghz @ 1.3v for my chip, as it's extremely cool running/quiet at this speed

Currently cooling it with a Noctua UH-12S cooler, which is completely silent at idle, and can't be heard above my GPU when gaming etc, very happy with it.
How is the pump noise on your 110i gtx at idle?

I had to return my 110i gtx the day after I bought it. At idle speeds where my fans are configured to go to the lowest RPM, the loudest thing in my case was the h110i gtx pump. Really annoying when watching a movie, or doing any kind of desktop work.

Pump noise benchmarked in a review:


To be honest I haven't ever had noise pump issues. I have it set in push/pull configuration. Am using 2 sp140, and the other 2 are the stock ones. The stock fans are ridiculously loud in any other profile apart from quiet. Due to my graphics cards blowing a lot of heat, sometimes in gaming the fans start revving like a car, they rev for about 6 seconds, going high and quiet then settle at 1800rpm. It's become so annoying due to the noise that I have disconnected them. I may buy 2 sp140 quiet editions and remove the originals.

When I had issue with my Maximus vii extreme I video's it and I was using H110iGTX, ...


cant hear the pump unless am confusing the noise with something else
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How is the pump noise on your 110i gtx at idle?

I had to return my 110i gtx the day after I bought it. At idle speeds where my fans are configured to go to the lowest RPM, the loudest thing in my case was the h110i gtx pump. Really annoying when watching a movie, or doing any kind of desktop work.

Pump noise benchmarked in a review:


I've found AIOs very hit and miss over the years for noise - awhile back I was putting a few of the older Corsair 100 series into some builds and there was huge variation. I've owned various kits over the years (different brands) that have varied from effectively silent through to annoying pump whine/vibration that could be picked up in the room below :S (hence the strike through in my sig).
Surely Skylake hasn't been around long enough for anyone to say for sure what's safe long term?

Didn't think Intel published Max vid anymore?

There's some wildly differing claims in this thread.
I've settled on 4.7GHz as a 24/7 voltage... with my custom water loop... even under gaming conditions and with my custom PWM settings, the fans don't need to go above 40% and the pump 30% in order to keep the CPU under 60C and the GPU at 40C under load (even when the GPU is overclocked to 1537MHz core and 8GHz memory :D

This makes it almost as quiet as the iMac at idle and the same noise under load :D :D :D Quite happy with that as the 5820k with Corsair H110i would be quite noisy under load.
Tbh I've always been under the impression 1.45V was the max for skylake after reading many posts reviews etc.

Some cracking number Crinkleshoes....I wanted to go watercooling but unfortunately decided after I bought my components and they don't make a waterblock for my GPU's and am not willing to change them since I actually do love them they are awesome but would like to reduce the overall heat inside my case. max I get while gaming is 53 degrees with ambient temps of 24ish
Surely Skylake hasn't been around long enough for anyone to say for sure what's safe long term?

Didn't think Intel published Max vid anymore?

There's some wildly differing claims in this thread.

They don't exactly - occasionally an (actual) Intel engineer will give some figures in forum posts, etc. the datasheet gives the max supported voltage (which isn't the max safe or absolute max voltage) from which you can more or less work out what those values would be based on the margins Intel usually works to - though that isn't foolproof - sometimes its been found longer term that they don't like higher voltages (i.e. some 45nm Quads) or that Intel's initial estimates have been conservative.

As a very rough rule of thumb - but its true for most Intel CPUs - typical VID at stock +10% usually is the max sustained voltage upto which the CPU should work without unexpected issues or premature degradation - another 10% on top of that is generally the absolute max (i.e. the CPU should survive short periods of exposure to those voltages but sustained running will likely encounter undesired effects) and 5% above that is usually the max supported voltage.

Personally I've been able to abuse most Intel CPUs pretty badly with voltage and get away with it - I had a Q6600 that ran for 2 years 24x7 moderate to heavy loads at the max supported voltage (somewhere around 1.6-1.7v) with watercooling and is still running fine today and my Q9550 took a lot of extra volts to get it stable on an nForce board at 4GHz - on P45 boards it would have done 4.5+GHz at the same voltage and likewise is still running fine.
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Tbh I've always been under the impression 1.45V was the max for skylake after reading many posts reviews etc.

Some cracking number Crinkleshoes....I wanted to go watercooling but unfortunately decided after I bought my components and they don't make a waterblock for my GPU's and am not willing to change them since I actually do love them they are awesome but would like to reduce the overall heat inside my case. max I get while gaming is 53 degrees with ambient temps of 24ish

That sounds like good temps to me :)

I've just had mine running aida64 for over 3 hours without a problem... temps hovered between 58-60 the whole time and that means the noise output of the computer is lower than the base hum from my valve amplifier (which isn't loud)! Very happy with this noise level to performance ratio... I've just dropped the voltage a bit and will do some more testing... see how low I can get the voltage.
you said. "Yeah max is 1.45v as recommended by Intel and Asus" so was you lying? ....

I realise it is not a nice feeling when P4Clock questions your honesty but life can be strange in that what one gives out can often come back...(click twice for full size)

I've run my 3930k at 1.45v for 3 years with no deterioration but I manage to keep it really cool. If you are tempted to go that high then I'd go custom loop or 'proper' AIO. Swiftech are bringing out some really nice kit in the next few weeks.

Hopefully they can be sourced in the UK. I'm surprised people put up with the noise of the Corsair CLC's as long as they do. ;)

Yeah I guess what goes around comes around even though I proved I wasn't lying on a few occasions. I don't know what his problem is.

Regarding the watercooling I'm actually happy with the H110igtx, if I decide to go watercooling I'd rather go the whole way graphics card cpu and chipset (Asus maximus viii formula). The swiftech stuff does look much better than the corsair AIO tbh, plus the customisation aspect!!!


Sweet dude, I wish I could get my pc to be silent...It isn't loud but it isn't silent. It doesn't really effect me as I wear gaming headphones but there is always something to complain about hehe.


That's probably the best cpu I have come across! post some benchmark scores dude!

Yeah I guess what goes around comes around even though I proved I wasn't lying on a few occasions. I don't know what his problem is.
Who knows, though you might just have been mistaken (I'm not saying you were!) but calling people liars is saying that they are willingly intending to deceive, which you definitely weren't.

I suspect he wasn't expecting W3bbo to question his honesty and ask for proof of his purchase from Ebay. It appears that he might have been the liar after all as he has withdrawn it and closed the thread rather than supply proof of his honesty, but I could be wrong. ;)

Regarding the watercooling I'm actually happy with the H110igtx, if I decide to go watercooling I'd rather go the whole way graphics card cpu and chipset (Asus maximus viii formula). The swiftech stuff does look much better than the corsair AIO tbh, plus the customisation aspect!!!
The beauty of the Swiftech's is that not only are they now customisable but more importantly have always been expandable. There are in effect mainly custom components put together in an AIO package for lazy people like me who just want to take it out of the box install in 10min.

The MCP30 pump that it comes with is more than 3 times more powerful than the ones that come with the Corsair CLC's. So as many people have already done you can add in your GPU, motherboard and another radiator and the pump is still not breaking a sweat.

I had Corsair CLC's for years and while they can cool pretty good that comes at the expense of a lot of noise, even when I replaced the fans with SP120's. The Swiftech's due to better materials and design don't need the high pressure (loud) fans so still out perform them with no more noise than a Noctua D14/D15.

The kicker is that OcUK do not stock them though you can now get them in the UK but I had to get mine from Denmark, nonetheless it still cost me around the same price as the H110.
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I found my H110i rather noisy under load with 5820k.

It's now in my home server in the basement, so it doesn't bother me.

After I got it, I was wishing I'd bought the big Noctua air cooler instead.

It certainly looks that way mate, doesn't do his credibility any good.

Yeah, I think that's what attracted me to AIO just the simplicity of installing to forgetting to a point.

Maybe I have come to be accustom to the noise pump because I actually cant hear it, unless am very lucky to get a quite one, or I'd realise how loud it is if I got a MCP30 pump. Am not really an expert with watercooling, I did but my first watercooling system when I was 16 and didn't touch it again. It has come a long way since then! I had a watercooled 4600+ AMD on a Epox motherboard lol.

I think id be concerned mainly about picking the wrong rad size or fitment, everything else will be simple. Also I'd like to go down the acrylic route but I think that's for the experienced watercoolers tbh. Its weird OcUK don't stock these though.


so many people use the Noctua fans, makes me think am missing out!
Even on 100%, they're un-imposing... and still move a decent amount of air through rads... I like them a lot.

I've had various versions of their fans for years.
NIce chip...I need 1.488V for 5 GHz with my best chip 6700Ks...I tested 6 pieces of 6700K and two of 6600K.
The best 5 GHz at aircooling, two of them 4900 MHz Cinebenchs stable, one 4700 MHz, one 46xx Mhz as max and one chip was corupted, worked only in BIOS at stock clocks :), in OS BSODS or never get to Win loading :)
6600K both 4700 MHz stable.
NIce chip...I need 1.488V for 5 GHz with my best chip 6700Ks...I tested 6 pieces of 6700K and two of 6600K.
The best 5 GHz at aircooling, two of them 4900 MHz Cinebenchs stable, one 4700 MHz, one 46xx Mhz as max and one chip was corupted, worked only in BIOS at stock clocks :), in OS BSODS or never get to Win loading :)
6600K both 4700 MHz stable.

Yeah I think I just got very lucky with my cpu. The only reason I tried obtaining 5GHZ was to see how my silicon lottery was to be honest. Currently running 4.8GHZ and not planning on going any higher.

I have recently found out that streaming, webcam and playing bf4 and doing a virus scan and listening to youtube music brings the cpu to it's knees my fps drop to 35-40. If I run a 4.9GHZ would it makes a difference? I doubt...Should I stick with my cpu or go for 5960x? Or should I wait for the skylake- or see what the AMD zen brings to the table?
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You definitely need more cores though why would you run a virus scan while gaming? ;) You are one of the people that would have been better off going with X99 and a 5820k.
You definitely need more cores though why would you run a virus scan while gaming? ;) You are one of the people that would have been better off going with X99 and a 5820k.

lol, well I have only recently started to stream. It's normally been fine streaming and playing and listening to music and running msi afterburner, cpu usage hits about 78% but a few days it has reached 90-100% and I got the frame drops, after investigating I found out it was due to my anti-virus doing a system scan in the background. I don't want to spend anymore money, I have just recently upgraded to 6700k :s
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