5x5 log: My body is ready

I'm about to hit the gym now - I'll be doing 85kg squat so will just do a couple of bar sets, then 1x60 for warmup and then 5x5!

Bar x lots
60kg x 1 x 5
85kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 4 x 5

Did a couple more but didn't count them due to poor-ish form.


60kg x 2 x 5
80kg x 2 x 5
115kg x 1 x 5

I realise that when I have been logging I've not kept the same format throughout (i.e. changing from 1x5 to 5x1 for some reason)! Will try and keep to weight x sets x reps.

Still more in the tank for squats and DL. OHP = lol weak. :(

I'll try this, next session:

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Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
87.5kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
57.5kg x 5 x 5

All felt nice - should have been 60kg this week but no spotter = no thanks jeff (even though it's light for some!)


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5
115kg x 1 x 5

Good session for me. Didn't think it would be good when I stepped in, but turned out ok. Massive forearm pump for some reason.

in b4 'lol that's weak man I squat 140kg'

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Awful awful session today. My gym is sometimes used by the local visual impairment / special needs college and there must have been 200 people in the gym today. Not that they were using the rack but their spatial awareness is understandably dreadful. Nothing quite like going down for a squat and then seeing people in the way of where the bar should travel going up. Fail and demotivating as didn't get done what I wanted.


Bar x lots
40kg x 1 x 5
60kg x 1 x 5
90kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 5 x 5

Did a couple more but didn't count them due to poor-ish form.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5

Fail session right! :(

I'll go tomorrow and do some arm work or something to feel a bit less like a failure! :mad:
Think it's the lack of volume more than anything. Was going to do the 5x5 and then do some t-bar row and chins...but you're right, it's not that bad on reflection but still. :(
Guise, do you do a deload day/week as protocol dictates or when you feel you need it? Back in the gym tomorrow (10 mile hike on Sat so didn't make it - bye bye gains), and feel like I want to lift heavy but haven't had a lighter week for a while. (Remember, 'light' is a relative concept! :p )
So, as I did the hike at the weekend I thought I'd do a lower weight / deload session. That didn't really happen but kept the weight moderate and didn't strive for PBS..


Bar x lots
40kg x 1 x 5
60kg x 1 x 5
90kg x 1 x 5
80kg x 4 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 5 x 5

Last couple were more push press than strict OHP but I think that the lift is coming along. Trying to avoid banana back like the plague.


60kg x 3 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5

Some shrugs / curls / CGBP.

Today's workout sponsored by
Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
92.5kg x 5 x 5

Boom. Best squat session for a while. Happy with the form on all but the last 2 reps.

Since programme began +27.5kg


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 3 x 5
55kg x 2 x 5

Felt a bit of a twinge in shoulder so didn't push it. + not spotter again.

Since programme began +20kg


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5
110kg x 1 x 5

Again all felt good.

Since programme began +35kg

Squats are getting heavy now but still feel there's more in the tank before plateau. Though after the last couple of reps:

Had a session yesterday,

Squats 95x5x5, Bench 60x5x5, Deads pyramid up to 110x5.

Put the weight back on the rack, felt a sharp pain in lower back, couldn't walk last night but much better today. Not right but improving. Off to Glastonbury on Weds so might do some lightweight / assistance days. Will lay off the deads/sqwaaats until I return, I think.
Oh and, mirin today's birthday (sister's) eating?

2 x wholemeal toast with jersey butter and nutella + coconut oil coffee + protein shake with god top milk.
3 x hobnobs + glass of god top.
tub of 0% greek yogurt + peanut butter + choc whey
25% of a Millie's cookie cake
2 x ciabatta w/ garlic butter + cheese + nachos with cheese
2 x chicken breasts w/ bacon, cheese, bbq sauce, chips and a chicken and chorizo skewer,
slice of birthday cake.

So, Glastonbury came and went, and I managed to injure my lower back (those on the FB group will have seen me moaning - I was racking the weight and snapped my shizz up). At Glasto I was mostly running on beer, pizza and donuts sooo...small amount of proteins. Decided, as it was first session back, to drop the weights a bit.

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
80kg x 5 x 5

Felt reasonably good. Could have pushed it but decided to play safe.


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 3 x 5

No spotter in gym again so didn't push it - did some dumbbell press too to make up.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5

Again, felt OK. Back to progressive overload from next session (Friday)
So in my previous progressive overload cycle I got up to 95kg squats, but, as I had a week or so off I decided to knock the weight down and work on my squat form a bit. I am working on the hip drahve. Last session I did 80kg 5x5 but the doms I have had from it have been crippling! I don't know whether it's the alcohol from Glasto or me concentrating on form a bit better but I had doms in places where I'm not sure I should have (adductors mainly). It's definitely doms - but they were mean!

Anyway powered on through the session today and they feel a bit better now - no doubt tomorrow will be hell...bring it on. Never having 10 days off again!

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60 x 5 x 1
85kg x 5 x 5

Here is a vid of my last set of squats - gym was too busy to get a vid of the first sets. Also, as you can see, some inconsiderate phaggot left his pussy BB behind me - cheers mate! And, the guy doing some really bad db rows later informed me that he was a personal trainer - I'm not sure whether he is, but remember I train at a gym attached to a special needs college...enough said but I was a bit...


Bar x lots
35kg x 5 x 5

Dropped weight here too a bit as didn't want to push it with lower back. These felt easy and light.


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 2 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5

I took a vid of one of the 80kg sets and I'm shocked at how bad they look. They certainly don't feel that bad - well, I think the movement of the bar from the floor is reasonable, but it's the returning the bar that I go banana back. 1 way ticket to snap city. Is it a case of dropping the knees more? Thanks for any advice!

Then just finished with some brocep curlz and cgbp at 40kg. Felt nice.

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To be fair, your lumbar is rounded on some of the reps that I was paying attention to, anyway (your own fault for posting some of those gifs).

Get your core really tight, chest up, butt out and push your hips through...

And then, on the descent, give your knees a 5% bend, and then sink your hips back, keeping your core tight (as on the way up) all the time.

Will try and be more tight tomorrow. I can tell you that each rep felt comfortable but I appreciate there's loads of room for improvement!

You doing Low or High bar squats? Only asking as the bar looks like its sitting high up on your back.

Again, just where feels comfortable on my neck! (So probably somewhere in between!)

P.S. Thanks for the responses!

Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
90kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
62.5kg x 5 x 5

New PB


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
100kg x 1 x 5
120kg x 1 x 3 (knackered....and disappointed now :( )

All in all, not bad.

Standard giffage:

Think I'm coming down with the flu as strength was poor today, but powered through as best as I could...


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60kg x 5 x 1
90kg x 5 x 5


Bar x lots
40kg x 8 x 1
60.5kg x 5 x 5

DB bench

20kg x 2 x 5
17.5 x 2 x 8


60kg x 2 x 8
80kg x 1 x 5
90kg x 1 x 5
110kg x 1 x 2 :(

All in all, not bad but need to get back to pushing for more weight each session.


Oh I should say that I haven't been missing sessions, just not updated my log as nothing to write about really :(
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Still going strong (ish...)

Current maxes:

Squat - 97.5 (5x5)
Bench - 67.5 (5x5)
OHP - 40 (5x5)
Deadlift - 125 (5x5)

Weigh-in at 85.4kg.

OHP is progressing finally...42.5x5x5 and feel there's more there.

Today's session: sq: 97.5, DL 115, bp 65 with room to spare. Not sure why today felt good, deads bench and ohp feeling really nice at the mo.
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