Yep you are probably right. The extra 8GB arrived from the US yesterday and it made a bit of a difference in the responsiveness of the server but not as much as I would have liked.
Getting three media players to connect at the same time is a pain as I am guessing you can only login from a single account using a single ip address at any one time. Created three separate accounts and now it is a case of remembering the account names and passwords and trying to put them in using a screen keyboard using a tiny remote.
Anyway, 15 days trial remaining and so at the weekend I will try going back and installing WHS2011.
Thanks for the help and suggestions everyone.
what are you using as clients? If windows based you could use autologon from sysinternals
Beware WHS lost one of its arguably best features when it went to 2011. Drive extender was on 2008
There are products that do similar things available on whs2011 but not out the box. This may or may not be important for you but just in case you hadn't read about it.