6 weeks to lose/traansform a stone...

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
That entire stone is currently my 'ab' haha.

After months of empty promises to my self, I am off to NYC in June, and there is one particular girl who I'm meeting which is just... Heaven. We have a thing, but would be better if I didn't have these ever growing love handles.

I'm currently 12.3 stone @ 6'2" tall. Hold the phone you might be thinking, that's normal for your height... I'm not kidding when I say, it's all on my gut, too much beer :(

Thus! I have started running again, once every second day. And swimming thrown in on Friday nights for a hours lengths session.

I have changed my diet! No more bread/cheese and as little beer as possible haha. My current diet is:

Morning - Oats so simple w/ no sugar
Lunch - Salad with either chicken or ham, no mayo or sauces
Mid afternoon snack - small pot of pasta and tuna mayo
Dinner - Not sure yet... Tried a few things, like potatoes! And tomatoes! lol

Anyway, I am running pretty badly at the moment! The goal is 6 miles by the end of this month with ease. I don't smoke, quick 8 months ago, cold turkey.

The route I run is along a river, a pub is 3 miles away, I wish to run there, stop for a water and run back. But as it stands, I can't even run to the pub haha, so do about 3 miles in total!

Anyway. Along side this, I need advice, I want to know if my diet is ok. I don't want to cut food out or anything silly, I want an even diet. Secondly, can you tell me any good workouts to get some decent abs going? I also always had a pretty crap chest... Just flat, nothing. So some pecs would be amazing! When I go swimming, there is a gym but I wouldn't know what to use there lol.


That thread. Read it, and every thread it links too :)

(In particular Steedie's one regarding diet and macros, make sure you read the first few posts at the very least)

Best ab exercises I'd generally say are squats and deadlifts, but frankly you may not get any. Morba will testify to you being able to have great core strength, but no visible abs due to fat over the top.

For you, I'd probably be looking into planks, and reverse crunches. They're easily done at home. (read the form thread about them)

But yeah, read the form and diet thread. I've probably said something stupid in this post somewhere because my mind's a bit mush, but good luck.

Also, realistically 6 weeks, will be a challenge for you to achieve your goals (just be wary of this)

Well, it's not a goal if it's not a challenge eh? I'm the kind of person to set a unrealistic goal and try to prove people wrong haha.

Thanks for the links, will get stuck in!
You need significantly more fat in your diet.

If you don't eat fat, you don't burn fat.

If that statement either confuses or offends your common sense, more reading is required ;)

You would do very well to get on a good weights programme. My recommendation would be the one in Gordy's thread. Stick to 90-120 second rests on everything.

A good way of thinking about this is that one of your goals is to condition your body to store calories in your muscles rather than your adipose tissue.
That statement kind of makes sense. I have a ton of notes in a little notepad. I have gone onto the site mentioned in the sticky explaining the prep and execution for each move that I will print out and place into my notepad. Take with me and work from on the days specified. The only one I'm confused at, is the abdominal workout. I have placed 30 x 3/4 sit-ups and 20 x cross body crunches.

Any other suggestions?

Also, as for the rest time, thanks!!! Did not think about that, I would have just say there for a few seconds then tried again. Unless you mean between 'sets'? As in, I do 3x8 of flat bench press then rest 90 seconds. Then onto the next 'set'? Am I being thick. As resting 90 seconds between each 'rep' of 8 is a bit drastic... Please let me know if I am using this terminology correct or not haha.

Will have to invest in a cheap sports watch haha.

As for fats, could I not put that for dinner... What sort of food would be considered a fat?

Again thanks! This is all starting to make sense to me! Have my plan all worked out, what supplements to buy, omega 3 tablets and they whey stuff for early morning and after workout take :)

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Please let me know if I am using this terminology correct or not haha.
You are not :p

A rep is one repetition of a movement. Doing 1 rep of squats involves starting from completely stood up, going down until your hip crease is below your knees (flexibility permitting!) and coming back up.

A set a group of consecutive reps, all done with no rest (besides perhaps catching your breath).

The idea is that a set will be almost as many reps as you can do with a given weight. If you waited 20 seconds between sets, you would only get a couple of reps. Wait too long though, and you miss out on a lot of training stimulus.

Fats are... fats.

Nuts (be careful of quantity! Easy to consume a lot of kcals)
Oils (cooking, dressings etc.)

That's basically what I focus on. And don't be afraid of animal fats (butter, bacon, etc.). Extremely nutritious, and not even close to being the dietary evil that some seem to think.

As for core exercises these should be your staples:

Plank/prone bridge:
If you can do more than 20 seconds without being in burning agony you aren't doing it right :) squeeze you glutes (bum), abs, legs and arms as hard as you can throughout the entire time your doing it.
Try 10 seconds with both feet down, 10 seconds with one leg raised, 10 seconds alternate leg raised, 10 seconds both feet down. Rest and repeat a few times. Not as easy as it sounds.

Anti rotation stuff:

Reverse crunches:

Also, buy yourself an ab wheel (~£10-15).

There are some important notes on core training in the OP of the exercise guide thread.

Haha, ok, so when I'm asked to do 3 x 8 of bench presses, I'm doing 3 sets of 8 reps?

Cool. Done. Haha, I am a little worried about looking like a right twit in the gym doing some of those... Seeing as it's not exactly hard to tell that I'm new now only because I'm reading my work out from a notepad but also because I'm not a regular goer and won't know where anything is! Nevermind how to use half of it!

So think it will be really important to find somewhere friendly.

Is it best to work out am or pm? As I start work really early and finish pretty late (out by 6am, home around 6pm) so would rather work out at night.

Finally, those different types of workouts you have posted. Will it hurt if I hold fire for a week or 2 and stick to what I have put simply to get into a routine?

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I 100% guarantee that I look weirder than you will in the gym :D Guys on here can confirm.

Really, don't worry about it.

I didn't mean to imply that you have to do all of those core exercises, pick a couple. However, they are vastly superior to crunches and sit ups.
Which would you suggest for a total beginner with next to no abs haha. This was me when I was skinny:


I can only hope those tiny muscles are still under my fat haha.
Planks and reverse crunches, both with posterior pelvic tilt (an article in the OP of the exercise guide will explains), and the pallof press.
Ha, was searching for it...

Right, going to try that plank. Will probably do it wrong.

In laymans terms, press-up position on elbows, tense arms, abs and bum... Hold? Back as straight as an arrow... Nasty position, will see my belly flab :(
20 seconds!!! 20 seconds! You are having a laugh! Just about managed 15... Barely even took a breathe haha.

So, my butt was hard to keep clenched, my elbows really hurt. But yea, feel a burn in the guts. How long and how many of those? Or, in your lingo, how many sets and reps? lol.
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