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6600 GT 256MB AGP or ATI equivalent ???

I see people using various versions of 3dmark. Which would you recommend to test the system as a whole?
3dmark 01 : Tests mostly cpu
3dmark 03 : Tests both cpu and gpu
3dmark 05 : Tests mostly gpu

I'd use all three, that way you get a more informed view on how your system performs. Just download the demos for each and youre set.
Cool cheers.

From what i've read it's possible to open up extra pipelines on this card. What do I need to do this? Also how do I go about overclocking the core & memory speeds? I've overclocked CPU's before, just not GPU's.
most people use coolbits or rivatuner to unlock the pipelines+vertex shader, and to overclock, i personally tried coolbits for my fx5700 and didnt have a clue what 2 do:) i think rivatuners supposed to be easier/more effective anyway.
How much did the asus card cost you? Id seen it for £105, the only thing stopping me from getting it is that i wanted something that would be able 2 stall an upgrade longer than that since next time i upgrade ill be upgrading everything except sata2 discs =/
Yeah, i got it for £105 plus postage. Came to £111 in all.

I'd love to upgrade my PC, but i'm supposed to be saving to go travelling. Currently got an Athlon XP 2400+, 1024MB DDR 400, Geforce FX 5600 256MB all running on an Abit NF7 mobo. I've had this setup for over 2 and a half years now. I thought a new GFX card would stall the whole system upgrade until I return from travelling.

I downloaded coolbits and rivatuner earlier. Up'ed the core and memory values slightly. When I fired up San Andreas it now has some horrible untextured black areas in the distance. I thought this must be due to the overclock, so i returned to default and they're still there. I thought i'd try a system restore, but this hasn't solved the problem either. Any ideas? I hope I haven't ****** my 5600 as i'm supposed to be selling it to cover the cost of the V9999!
I haven't tried any other games yet, but will definitely give it a go. I haven't changed the drivers though, that's the thing. It was working fine last nite before I started 'tinkering'. I think I may have inadvertedly done something in RivaTuner. Can't try at the mo as i'm working night shifts this week, urrrrggghhh!!
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